The docs are good, but not great. Click is an awesome API so it should have really great docs.
Part I Big Swags
- Take big swags at reorganization.
- Rewrite sections to fit into Diataxis sections.
- Include more examples.
- Make the text more skimmable
- Rewrite to make more concise and precise
- Written to an person proficient in python, but not the command line.
- Status: ~60 percent.
Part II Nice for Long Term
- Reorganize along diataxis sections and rewrite as necessary
- reference
- guides
- explanation
- tutorial
- rewrite in myst if possible
- note on landing page about type hints in docs
- note on landing page about docs organization
- Make landing page toc tree more compact
- Not comprehensive, but the holes are obvious for future contributor work
- Nice to have:
- fully type hinted
Part I PRs
- Reduce click contrib #2515
- Separate out virtualenv to its own sections #2551
- Make examples section nicer. #2580
- Clean up parameters intro. #2585
- Break up arguments section #2586
- Rewrite help page section. #2821
- Rewrite first half of options docs #2825
- Rewrite Commands and Groups docs. #2838
- Rewrite second half of options docs #2848