While working on the following, I noticed that you could not pass a list of str to to_timedelta
although this is used in the examples in the docs (
- Added DatetimeIndex.as_unit() and TimedeltaIndex.as_unit() to convert to different resolutions; supported resolutions are “s”, “ms”, “us”, and “ns”
Also noticed these ones from the tracker have no pending actions and could be marked as done:
- Removed arguments verbose and encoding from DataFrame.to_excel() and Series.to_excel()
- Remove argument inplace from MultiIndex.set_levels() and MultiIndex.set_codes()
- Removed deprecated Index.is_monotonic(), and Series.is_monotonic()
- Removed deprecated null_counts argument in
- Removed deprecated RangeIndex._start(), RangeIndex._stop(), RangeIndex._step()
- Removed deprecated Series.append(), DataFrame.append()
- Removed deprecated DataFrame._AXIS_NUMBERS(), DataFrame._AXIS_NAMES(), Series._AXIS_NUMBERS(), Series._AXIS_NAMES()
- Default value of dtype in get_dummies() is changed to bool from uint8
- DataFrame.plot.hist() now recognizes xlabel and ylabel arguments
- to_datetime() now accepts "ISO8601" as an argument to format, which will match any ISO8601 string (but possibly not identically-formatted)
- to_datetime() now accepts "mixed" as an argument to format, which will infer the format for each element individually
- The levels of the index of the Series returned from Series.sparse.from_coo now always have dtype int32. Previously they had dtype int64
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