We've got a nice little "Meet The Team" series going, humanizing the project and making the maintainers more approachable. It reinforces well the welcoming spirit of the community, and that anyone has the potential to be a valued member of the team. We could use more entries in this series. Any member of Pants Team is welcome to submit first-person post. Other folks are also welcome to contact a maintainer about submitting a third-person post profiling a team member.
Good topics to (optionally) cover:
[ ] How the person first got involved in their career and what they do now
[ ] How the person first got involved in Pants, what they're proudest of, and what their role in the project is today
[ ] The person's perspective on the project, build engineering, code quality, devops, Pants community, etc.
[ ] Personal priorities such as hobbies, family, local community, etc.