Describe the bug
Added new lint for refurb using code_quality_tool
target. Sometimes this lint fails and sometimes it succeeds. This behavior may be a bug in code_quality_tool or in the lint.
Pants version
Linux(GitHub Actions Ubuntu 22.04)
Additional info
error log
$ pants --changed-since=origin/main --changed-dependents=transitive lint
10:26:46.91 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-klRECX for Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin
10:26:46.92 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-aQpQKF for Test binary /bin/bash.
10:26:46.92 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-RRxRFc for Test binary /usr/bin/bash.
10:26:46.94 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-A22wfv for Searching for `git` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin
10:26:51.63 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-A8GQ0y for Find interpreter for constraints: CPython!=3.11.0,==3.11.*
10:26:51.76 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-iZUXIl for Searching for `tar` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin
10:26:51.79 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-Tzdbep for Test binary /bin/tar.
10:26:51.82 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-z6CG6l for Test binary /usr/bin/tar.
10:26:51.85 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-3ptIUZ for Extract shellcheck-v0.8.0.linux.x86_64.tar.gz
10:26:52.13 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-qMS9Dz for Detect Shell imports for 3rdparty/python/
10:26:53.73 [INFO] Starting: Building dockerfile_parser.pex from resource://pants.backend.docker.subsystems/dockerfile.lock
10:26:53.73 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-CzXqOp for Building dockerfile_parser.pex from resource://pants.backend.docker.subsystems/dockerfile.lock
10:26:56.91 [INFO] Canceled: Building dockerfile_parser.pex from resource://pants.backend.docker.subsystems/dockerfile.lock
10:26:56.92 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-l5K8ZU for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:56.92 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-o66PEK for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:57.85 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-EzzgoC for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:57.85 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-bEr30s for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:57.97 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-2rFVk7 for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:57.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-NSsDmU for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.07 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-dDQDlC for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.13 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-r1o4rc for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.20 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-EzlS78 for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.24 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-96Mtku for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.35 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-Y1YTok for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.38 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-bFo5n1 for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.50 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-8vWk57 for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.52 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-3CLtbO for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.62 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-Hzxb3e for Parse Dockerfile.
10:26:58.85 [INFO] Completed: Check for visibility rule violations - visibility succeeded.
10:26:58.85 [INFO] Completed: Check for visibility rule violations - visibility succeeded.
10:26:58.87 [INFO] Starting: Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:58.87 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-es7OVR for Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:58.91 [INFO] Starting: Building pyupgrade.pex
10:26:58.91 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-cpsnrD for Building pyupgrade.pex
10:26:58.98 [INFO] Canceled: Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:58.98 [INFO] Starting: Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:58.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-ZISLW9 for Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:59.66 [INFO] Canceled: Building add_trailing_comma.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.add_trailing_comma/add_trailing_comma.lock
10:26:59.66 [INFO] Starting: Building pydocstyle.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.pydocstyle/pydocstyle.lock
10:26:59.66 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-ve7tDB for Building pydocstyle.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.pydocstyle/pydocstyle.lock
10:26:59.71 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Hadolint - hadolint succeeded.
10:26:59.98 [INFO] Canceled: Building pyupgrade.pex
10:26:59.98 [INFO] Starting: Building isort.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.isort/isort.lock
10:26:59.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-GukM0x for Building isort.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.isort/isort.lock
10:27:00.12 [INFO] Canceled: Building isort.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.isort/isort.lock
10:27:00.12 [INFO] Starting: Building bandit.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.bandit/bandit.lock
10:27:00.12 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-uzvKrR for Building bandit.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.bandit/bandit.lock
10:27:00.16 [INFO] Canceled: Building pydocstyle.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.pydocstyle/pydocstyle.lock
10:27:00.16 [INFO] Starting: Building local_dists.pex
10:27:00.16 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-ONnmqr for Building local_dists.pex
10:27:00.87 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Pydocstyle - pydocstyle succeeded.
10:27:00.87 [INFO] Completed: Format with docformatter - docformatter made no changes.
10:27:00.96 [INFO] Canceled: Building local_dists.pex
10:27:00.96 [INFO] Starting: Building 1 requirement for ruff.pex from the 3rdparty/python/ruff.lock resolve: ruff>=0.0.287
10:27:00.96 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-CeAGDn for Building 1 requirement for ruff.pex from the 3rdparty/python/ruff.lock resolve: ruff>=0.0.287
10:27:00.97 [INFO] Canceled: Building bandit.pex from resource://pants.backend.python.lint.bandit/bandit.lock
10:27:00.97 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-OSxz1c for Extract taplo-linux-x86_64.gz
10:27:01.09 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Flake8 - flake8 succeeded.
Partition: ['CPython!=3.11.0,==3.11.*']
10:27:01.16 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-3RgefL for Run add-trailing-comma on 63 files.
10:27:01.17 [INFO] Completed: Format with add-trailing-comma - add-trailing-comma made no changes.
10:27:01.17 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-j3HxWP for Run Autoflake on 63 files.
10:27:01.23 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Bandit - bandit succeeded.
Partition: ['CPython!=3.11.0,==3.11.*']
10:27:01.31 [INFO] Canceled: Building 1 requirement for ruff.pex from the 3rdparty/python/ruff.lock resolve: ruff>=0.0.287
10:27:01.32 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-8kwsJx for Run pyupgrade on 63 files.
10:27:02.52 [INFO] Starting: Building 1 requirement for refurb.pex from the pants-plugin/private/lockfile.lock resolve: refurb
10:27:02.52 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-9duGPD for Building 1 requirement for refurb.pex from the pants-plugin/private/lockfile.lock resolve: refurb
10:27:02.52 [INFO] Completed: Fix with Autoflake - autoflake made no changes.
10:27:02.53 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-uoP1L1 for Run taplo on 3 files.
10:27:02.53 [INFO] Completed: Fix with pyupgrade - pyupgrade made no changes.
10:27:02.58 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-LmknzW for Run isort on 63 files.
10:27:02.59 [INFO] Completed: Format with taplo - taplo made no changes.
10:27:03.19 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-yDm3ar for Run ruff check --force-exclude on 41 files.
10:27:03.19 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
10:27:03.45 [INFO] Completed: Format with Ruff - ruff made no changes.
10:27:03.61 [INFO] Completed: Format with `ruff format` - ruff format made no changes.
10:27:03.67 [INFO] Completed: Lint with `ruff check` - ruff check succeeded.
All checks passed!
10:27:04.76 [INFO] Canceled: Building 1 requirement for refurb.pex from the pants-plugin/private/lockfile.lock resolve: refurb
10:27:04.76 [INFO] Starting: Running code quality tool
10:27:04.76 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /tmp/pants-sandbox-Sej4Pc for Running code quality tool
10:27:05.92 [INFO] Completed: Running code quality tool
10:27:05.92 [ERROR] Completed: pants.backend.adhoc.code_quality_tool.CodeQualityToolRuleBuilder._build_lint_rules.run_code_quality_refurb - refurb failed (exit code 127).
./.cache/pex_root/venvs/xxxxxx7560e98b620dddd609b72c67/85779a5bf03739c4b657db4628cabf6cef3cb01d/pex: No such file or directory
✓ add-trailing-comma succeeded.
✓ autoflake succeeded.
✓ bandit succeeded.
✓ docformatter succeeded.
✓ flake8 succeeded.
✓ hadolint succeeded.
✓ isort succeeded.
✓ pydocstyle succeeded.
✓ pyupgrade succeeded.
✕ refurb failed.
✓ ruff succeeded.
✓ ruff check succeeded.
✓ ruff format succeeded.
✓ taplo succeeded.
✓ visibility succeeded.