$ docker run -it debian:bookworm /bin/bash
root@bfbce2691265:/# apt-get update -q && apt-get install -q curl
root@bfbce2691265:/# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -fsSL | bash
Downloading and installing the pants launcher ...
Installed the pants launcher from to /root/.local/bin/pants
/root/.local/bin/pants is not on the PATH.
You'll either need to invoke /root/.local/bin/pants explicitly or else add /root/.local/bin to your shell's PATH.
Running `pants` in a Pants-enabled repo will use the version of Pants configured for that repo.
In a repo not yet Pants-enabled, it will prompt you to set up Pants for that repo.
root@bfbce2691265:/# export TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp
root@bfbce2691265:/# /root/.local/bin/pants version
Error: Failed to establish atomic directory /root/.cache/nce/ab1acf935c4cc43338c604ae7d0f6aa2419f2415d94eb9cae381601dbba70a61/locks/configure-987ad2e2e3efce503fb027055082afabada92d922c8e9be21db20fca89d85798. Population of work directory failed: Failed to establish atomic directory /root/.cache/nce/67912efc04f9156d8f5b48a0348983defb964de043b8c13ddc6cc8a002f8e691/cpython-3.9.18+20240107-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only.tar.gz. Population of work directory failed: Failed to establish a temporary file buffer for loading File { name: "cpython-3.9.18+20240107-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only.tar.gz", key: Some("cpython39"), size: 25920461, hash: "67912efc04f9156d8f5b48a0348983defb964de043b8c13ddc6cc8a002f8e691", file_type: Archive(CompressedTar(Gzip)), executable: None, eager_extract: false, source: LoadBinding("fetch") } via LoadProcess { process: Process { env: EnvVars { vars: [] }, exe: "/root/.cache/nce/22652cf60b12e7a187ea0cf21d7bc9d8234bbb630fa94ca6f9c28655bd6a81fb/ptex-linux-x86_64", args: ["/root/.cache/nce/ab1acf935c4cc43338c604ae7d0f6aa2419f2415d94eb9cae381601dbba70a61/lift.json"] } }: No such file or directory (os error 2)
Isolates your Pants from the elements.
Please select from the following boot commands:
<default> (when SCIE_BOOT is not set in the environment) Detects the current Pants installation and launches it.
bootstrap-tools Introspection tools for the Pants bootstrap process.
update Update scie-pants.
You can select a boot command by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.
I don't expect this to "work" (I think may tools balk at nonexistant TMPDIR, but I'd like the "No such file or directory " error to reference the directory that doesn't exist.
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