It should be possible to run Queries through a LiveQueryClient, and/or to request query results along with LiveQuery subscription to enable syncing collections and subscribing to LiveQueries with a single WebSocket connection.
A Parse Server issue with detailed information has been created here: parse-community/parse-server#9086. However, this feature requires development on both client and server.
Possible Alternative 1:
Get query results leveraging the subscription
subscription.on('result', task => tasks[] = task);
subscription.find(); // or subscription.first(); or getResults() or runQuery(), or any other naming that makes sense.
Possible Alternative 2:
Allow running any query from a LiveQueryClient. This potentially enables developers to run queries through WebSocket, detached from a subscription.
const client = new LiveQueryClient({ ... });
const querySubscription = client.querySubscribe(query);
querySubscription.on('result', task => tasks[] = task);
Ideally, both alternatives 1 and 2 should be developed, with one serving as a shortcut for the other, similar to how currently a subscription can be run with or without an explicit liveQueryClient.
EDIT Apr 30:
Consider running all requests through WebSocket, including Queries, Saves, Cloud Functions, and all CRUD operations.