- In general we have front-end back-end and a DB for any of the application
- the back-end application needs some data related to DB connections like user-name, password, port, url and etc to
- connect to Db, for data
- We create these data NOT LIKE HARD-CODED,but we use like EVN variables to store the DB related info or we use a file
- to store all these data in the file system and we input it when requried using OS mdules based on the programming language
- DB port, DB connection type -- as we kubernetes deals with the containers -- containers get the data from Env variables or File So to acheive this kubernetes supports CONFIG-MAPS
- As a DevOps engineer or Config-mananger administator we can create a Configmap inside the kubernetes cluster and put the info like DB port, DB connection type and etc and we can mount this configmap to the container or use the details of the config-map inside yours kubernetes POD
- The information can be stored inside the POD as a ENV variable or can be stored as a FILE in the container file system But these information must be retrived from the config-map be'coz as a user we can cannot go in to the pod and create the ENV variable we can do this but it is not right, may be fields like changed or other issues
- Whenever we are creating DOCKERFILE we don't know these values, these values are feed to the applicaiton later point of time
- As a DEVOPS enginner we have to collect the info that a user requires -- we can talk to DB admin and we have to CREATE a Config-Maps and stored it.
- Then we can mount this config-map, we can use this data of config-map as
1st way ENV variables inside our kubernetes pod 2nd way we can use it as volume mounts
- SECRETS deals with sensitive data (Like DB username, DB pwd), If we try to keep these details with config-map, then we have a major problem with kubernetes that is, In kubernetes whenever we created a resource whats happens is THIS INFORMATION GETS STORED IN ETCD . In ETCD the data is saved as objects if any hacker tries to hack the ETCD, and if he got the DB-username and pwd that is entrie application or platform is compramsed and database access
- How secrets are safe, Whatever data we put in secrets it will ENCRYPT the data in the REST, before the object saved in ETCD, KUBERNETES will encrypt it. Bydeault kubernetes uses basic encrytpion and their is a option for custom encryption as well.
- USER created a config-map using yaml file and we have created it by kubectl apply -f and it got created
- At the same time API SERVER saving this information inside the ETCD as well.
- Now if hacker has cluster access, he can do kubectl describe or edit command and DB password will be comparmized, a and even he can go to ETCD and get the info required.
- In the above point we can see the problem 4.1) Secrets -- Hacker might use same approach like point no.3 like describe or edit 4.2) ETCD -- ecrypted so not possible to hack be,coz hacker does not have de-ecryption key
- KUBERNETES is saying whenver you are creating SECRETS use a STRONG RBAC ( Least previllege -- give only to who actuall requirred this info )
kubectl get cm
kubectl describe cm test-cm
kubectl apply -f cm.yml
kubectl exec -it sample-python-app-6fd477bdfb-pkps4 (pod-name) -- /bin/bash
Inside the pod
env | grep db
NOTE: Now we can see that PORT Numer, So developer import it using os modules like
os.env("DB-PORT") -- in case of python application
The above approach is good, but we have problem here
1) For some reason if we change the PORT number in CM.yaml file
2) The application will still have old port number, So the application will not work
3) Pod will not know that port number is changed
**TO SOLVE THE ABOVE ISSUE KUBERNETES SAID (Changing the env variable inside the kubernetes is not possible inside containers is not possible.**
1) Container does not allow to change the port number, we have re-create the container
2) But in prod env we can not do that in conatiner, bec'coz it will may lose the traffic
- Instead of using env variables, Config-Map info will be saved in file and Dev's will use the file.
- Now when we go inside the pod (container) evn variable is not their but we have file call db-port
- So now i have changed dp-port to 3307 in cm.yaml file, and applied it, SO NOT WITHOUT RESTARTING THE PODS OF DEPLOYMENT.
- THE PODS will know the port number as 3307
- If you know the path inside the pod, evertime we don't need to go inside the container, We can also use like this as well
- We can create the secret or config-map in differ way as well
kubectl create secret generic test-secret --from-literal=db-port="3306"
- As we know that if we create in secret we have the content in encrypted format
- Can we decrypt it, But bydefault kubernetes gives bas64 encryption we can also use other encryption techiques for more security
- Check the below SS for ref
- hashicrop vault
- seal serects
Use other strong encryption instead of base64