I can not find an option (a clean one) that allows to set the Server URL or Api Url and they seem to be hardcoded to
Prepare publishing assets
[INFO] ForceOrphan: false
/usr/bin/git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch gh-pages *** /home/runners/actions_github_pages_1615224725805
Cloning into '/home/runners/actions_github_pages_1615224725805'...
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
This fails because our repo is at
As we want to use your action with GitHub Enterprise we would need to be able to customise those.
Link to your contents
I see one entry here but I think its unused during a workflow.
Line 36 in c1c219f
Additional context
I would contribute a PR if you give me 1-2 pointers where I'd need to add things in your structure.