QWIQ is a Quick Work Item Query library for Team Foundation Server / Visual Studio Online. If you do a lot of reading or writing of work items, this package is for you!
Querying Team Foundation Server, of course! Instead of directly using the TFS Client OM, you could use QWIQ! It it made of packages designed to make working with Tfs/Vso a pleasure. Qwiq.Core is the no-frills base package, exposinng the raw types needed to read and write work items. Qwiq.Identity adds methods to simplify converting between your preferred method of identity (display names, user names) and TFS's identity classes. Qwiq.Linq provides a Linq query provider to be able to write Linq to query tfs. Qwiq.Mapper enables converting from IWorkItem, the raw Qwiq.Core type, to your own classes to enable strongly typed access to your WorkItems. Qwiq.Relatives extends Qwiq.Linq to enable slightly more complicated queries allowing for basic queries of related workitems. Qwiq.Mocks provides default implementations for commonly mocked classes within Qwiq, and should allow for getting up and unit testing quickly. Why use this over the Client OM? Glad you asked!
Let's be honest, the TFS libraries are a pain to use. There are a lot of them, several are dynamically loaded, and a few are native. While we can't avoid it, you can! Just install the Qwiq.Core
package and everything will be in your \bin folder when you need it.
Qwiq makes testing your apps a breeze. Everything has an interface. Everything uses factories (or factory methods) instead of constructors. Install our Qwiq.Mocks
package for easy to use mocks, or mock what you need from out interfaces for your tests and go. No more messy, temperamental fakes, or adapters cluttering your code.
How often do you update a work item? How often do you create a new security group? We stripped out the rarely used stuff to make interfaces cleaner and the relationships between types simpler. Missing something you can't live without? Send us a pull request!
We have two ways you can install our packages: through NuGet.org which contains our stable packages only, and MyGet.org, which contains vNext and stable packages.
If you want our vNext packages, add our MyGet feed to your NuGet clients:
- v3 (VS 2015+ / NuGet 3.x):
- v2 (VS 2013 / NuGet 2.x):
Once the feed is configured, install via the nuget UI or via the nuget package manager console
From the NuGet package manager console NuGet
PM> Install-Package Qwiq.Core
Or via the UI Qwiq.Core
PM> Install-Package Qwiq.Core -Source https://www.myget.org/F/qwiq/api/v3/index.json
Or via the UI Qwiq.Core,
We now have two clients: one for SOAP, and one for REST NuGet
PM> Install-Package Qwiq.Client.Soap
Or via the UI Qwiq.Client.Soap,
From the NuGet package manager console MyGet
PM> Install-Package Qwiq.Client.Soap -Source https://www.myget.org/F/qwiq/api/v3/index.json
Or via the UI Qwiq.Client.Soap,
For .NET
using Qwiq;
using Qwiq.Credentials;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client;
// We support
// - OAuth2
// - Personal Access Token (PAT)
// - Username and password (BASIC)
// - Windows credentials (NTLM or Federated with Azure Active Directory)
// - Anonymous
// Use the full URI, including the collection. Example: https://QWIQ.VisualStudio.com/DefaultCollection
var uri = new Uri("[Tfs Tenant Uri]");
var options = new AuthenticationOptions(uri, AuthenticationType.Windows);
var store = WorkItemStoreFactory
// Execute WIQL
var items = store.Query(@"
SELECT [System.Id]
FROM WorkItems
WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug' AND State = 'Active'");
For PowerShell
# Can use SOAP or REST clients here
$uri = [Uri]"[Tfs Tenant Uri]"
$options = New-Object Qwiq.Credentials.AuthenticationOptions $uri,Windows
$store = [Qwiq.Client.Soap.WorkItemStoreFactory]::Default.Create($options)
$items = $store.Query(@"
SELECT [System.Id]
FROM WorkItems
WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug' AND State = 'Active'", $false)
Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Setting up Git for Windows and connecting to GitHub
- Forking a GitHub repository
- The simple guide to GIT guide
- Open an issue if you encounter a bug or have a suggestion for improvements/features
Once you're familiar with Git and GitHub, clone the repository and start contributing!