Hi All!
I've tried import full planet project and have some questions
Acoording to pelias document, full planet builds weigh in at over 600million documents and require aoubt 450GB.
- Current full planet builds weigh in at over 600 million documents, and require about 450GB total storage in Elasticsearch.
But in my case, full planet build weigth in about 700million documents and takes about 290GB.
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open .geoip_databases _-aP4esSTaiUV1SHGmIjww 1 0 33 33 31mb 31mb
green open pelias 5x1mTod0STyCld7xCgg0zg 12 0 693269565 173147230 282.4gb 282.4gb
I cannot convince whether importing data is success or not.
Here is my importing log and pelias system env below... I saw "No datapath configured, nothing to do." at last and importing was finished. Does it mean that I configured wrong datapath?
- datapath: DATA_DIR=./data
info: [admin-lookup:worker] region worker process exiting, stats: {"calls":722842,"hits":433148,"misses":289694}
info: [admin-lookup:worker] country worker process exiting, stats: {"calls":284582,"hits":73725,"misses":210857}
info: [admin-lookup:worker] ocean worker process exiting, stats: {"calls":54997,"hits":33706,"misses":21291}
info: [admin-lookup:worker] locality worker process exiting, stats: {"calls":12549816,"hits":2801773,"misses":9748043}
info: [dbclient-geonames] paused=false, transient=0, current_length=0, indexed=12681984, batch_ok=25364, venue=7066398, locality=5191814, region=3932, batch_retries=0, failed_records=0, neighbourhood=339824, localadmin=32575, country=193, county=46825, persec=7448.4, dependency=42, macroregion=56, macrocounty=320, borough=5
info: [dbclient-geonames] paused=false, transient=0, current_length=0, indexed=12681984, batch_ok=25364, venue=7066398, locality=5191814, region=3932, batch_retries=0, failed_records=0, neighbourhood=339824, localadmin=32575, country=193, county=46825, persec=7448.4, dependency=42, macroregion=56, macrocounty=320, borough=5
time="2024-06-27T14:15:22+09:00" level=warning msg="/home1/irteam/docker/projects/planet/docker-compose.yml:version
is obsolete"
warn: [transit] 'pelias.json' config lacks a transit object entry. Transit importer quitting after taking no action
time="2024-06-27T14:15:23+09:00" level=warning msg="/home1/irteam/docker/projects/planet/docker-compose.yml:version
is obsolete"
info: [csv-importer] No datapath configured, nothing to do