Since our recent changes to use Who's on First data hosted by Geocode Earth made in #487, people using older WOF dist files from will see the following error:
this._iterator = this._db.prepare(sql).iterate();
SqliteError: no such column: geojson.is_alt
at new SQLiteStream (/code/pelias/csv-importer/node_modules/pelias-whosonfirst/src/components/sqliteStream.js:10:31)
at /code/pelias/csv-importer/node_modules/pelias-wof-admin-lookup/src/pip/readStream.js:26:12
at CombinedStream._realGetNext (/code/pelias/csv-importer/node_modules/combined-stream/lib/combined_stream.js:104:3)
To anyone seeing this error, the fix is to remove all your Who's on First data and run the downloader again. That will download new data from Geocode Earth.
However, since already several people have reported seeing this, I wonder if it makes sense to add some code to detect this condition and message appropriately.