The current dev docs don't sufficiently explain how to code against Penumbra, when writing integrations or applications. We should absolutely call out the fact that although Penumbra is a Cosmos chain, one cannot use the Cosmos SDK. This violation of assumptions has caused friction for several devs, so let's write it down. Consider the following feedback shared from a recent developer:
- Penumbra documentation suggestions
- RPC service
- Create a document that outlines how to interact with the tendermint-compatible blockchain service using a unique transaction format based on actions instead of traditional messages.
- Describe supported endpoints , like status, blocks, block_results, tx, and events subscriptions.
- RPC service
- Transaction payload
- Transactions are structured around actions rather than messages. Explain the payload differences with examples.
- Actions
- Describe supported actions like spend,output, undelegateA
- Describe tx parameters, detection data, etc
- Events
- List supported events, and show how clients can subscribe to various events emitted by the blockchain.
- Describe supported events e.g. EventBlockRoot, EventAnchor , etc
In a nutshell, we need to highlight the importance of using custom protobuf messages via the buf tooling. That would go a long way in saving new devs time while orienting themselves to build against Penumbra.
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