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Managing global state

There is always a need of some global space in imperative languages. While programming PHP or extensions, we will make a clear distinction between what we call request-bound globals, and true globals.

Request globals are global variables you need to carry-and-memorize informations as you are in the process of treating a request. A simple example is that you ask the user to provide a value in a function argument, and you want to be able to use it back in other functions. Beside the fact that this piece of information "keeps its value" accross several PHP function calls, it only keeps that value for the current request. The next-to-come request should know nothing about it. PHP provides a mechanism to manage requests globals whatever the multi-processing model that were chosen, and we will detail that later in this chapter.

True globals are piece of informations that remain accross requests. Those informations are usually read-only. If you need to write to such globals as part of request treatment then PHP can't help you. If you use :doc:`threads as multi-processing model <php_lifecycle>`, you'll need to perform memory locks on your side. If you use :doc:`processes as multi-processing model <php_lifecycle>`, you'll need to use your own IPC (Inter Process Communication) on your side. Such cases should however never happen in PHP extensions programming.

Managing request globals

Here is a simple example of a simple extension using a request global:

/* true C global */
static zend_long rnd = 0;

static void pib_rnd_init(void)
    /* Pick a number to guess between 0 and 100 */
    php_random_int(0, 100, &rnd, 0);


    return SUCCESS;

    zend_long r;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &r) == FAILURE) {

    if (r == rnd) {
        /* Reset the number to guess */

    if (r < rnd) {


    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {


Like you can see, this extension picks a random integer when a request starts, and then the user - through pib_guess() - can try to guess the number. Once guessed, the number resets. If the user wants to, he could also call pib_reset() to reset the number himself by hand.

That random number has been implemented as a true C global variable. While this is not a problem if PHP is used in processes as part of the :doc:`multi-processing model <php_lifecycle>`; this is a no-go if that later uses threads.


:doc:`As a reminder <php_lifecycle>`, you don't master what multi-processing model will be used. You must be prepared to both models when you design extensions.

When threads are used, such a true C global is shared against every thread of the server. For our above example, what will happen is that every parallel user of the webserver will share the same number. Some could reset the number in-a-go as others would try to guess it. In short, you clearly understand here the crucial problem with threads.

We need to persist one piece of data into the same request, but we need to have it bound to the current request, even if the multi-processing model PHP is run into makes use of threads.

Using TSRM macros to protect global space

PHP designed a layer that helps the extension and Core developers to deal with request-globals. That layer is called TSRM (Thread Safe Resource Manager) and is exposed as a set of macros you must use any-time you need to access a request-bound global (read and write access).

Behind the scene, those macros will resolve to something like the code we showed above in the case that the multi-processing model uses processes. Like we saw, the above code is perfectly valid if no threads are used. So, when processes will be used, the macros we'll see in a minute will expand to something similar.

What you need to do first is to declare a structure that will be the root of all your globals:

    zend_long rnd;

/* Resolved as :
* typedef struct _zend_pib_globals {
*    zend_long rnd;
* } zend_pib_globals;

Then, you create a true global variable of such a type:


/* Resolved as zend_pib_globals pib_globals; */

Now, you may access your data using global macro accessor. This later macro has been created by the :doc:`skeleton <extension_skeleton>`, it should be defined in your php_pib.h header file. Here is what it looks like:

#ifdef ZTS
#define PIB_G(v) (pib_globals.v)

Like you can see, if ZTS mode is not enabled, that is if you :doc:`compiled PHP and the extension with no Thread safety <../build_system/building_php>` (we call that mode NTS : Non-Thread-Safe), the macro simply resolves to the data declared into your structure. Hence the following changes:

static void pib_rnd_init(void)
    php_random_int(0, 100, &PIB_G(rnd), 0);

    zend_long r;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &r) == FAILURE) {

    if (r == PIB_G(rnd)) {

    if (r < PIB_G(rnd)) {



When using a process model, the TSRM macros simply resolve to an access to a true C global variable.

Things get a lot more complicated when threads are used, that is when you :doc:`compile PHP with ZTS <../build_system/building_php>`. All the macros we saw then resolve to something totaly different and a bit hard to explain here. Basically, what happens is that TSRM does a hard job using TLS (Thread Local Storage) when compiled with ZTS.


In a word, when compiled in ZTS, the globals will be bound to the current thread, whereas when compiled in NTS, the globals will be bound to the current process. The TSRM macros take care of the hard job. You may be interested in how things work, then browse the /TSRM directory of PHP source code to learn more about Thread Safety into PHP.

Using globals hooks in extensions

Sometimes, it may happen that you need your globals to be initialized to some default value, usually zero. The TSRM system helped by the engine provides a hook to give your globals default values, we call it GINIT.


For a full view of PHP hooks, refer to the :doc:`PHP lifecycle chapter <php_lifecycle>`.

Let's zero our random value:

{ }

    pib_globals->rnd = 0;

zend_module_entry pib_module_entry = {
    NULL, /* PRSHUTDOWN() */

We chose to show only the relevant part of zend_module_entry (and NULL others). Like you can see, globals management hooks take place in the middle of the structure. The first PHP_MODULE_GLOBALS() figures out the size of the globals, then both our GINIT and GSHUTDOWN hooks. Then, to close the structure we used STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES_EX instead of STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES. Just a matter of finishing the structure the right way, see ?:


In the GINIT function, you are passed a pointer to the current memory location of your globals. You use it to initialize your globals. Here, we put zero into our random value (not really useful, but let's accept it).


Don't use PIB_G() macro in GINIT. Use the pointer you are given.


GINIT() is launched before MINIT() for the current process. In case of NTS, that's all. In case of ZTS, GINIT() will be called additionnaly for every new thread spawned by the thread library.


GINIT() is not called as part of RINIT(). If you need to clear your globals at every new request, you need to do that by hand, like we did in the example shown throughout the chapter.

Full example

Here is a more advanced full example. If the player wins, its score (numbers of tries) is added to a score array that can be fetched from userland. Nothing really hard, the score array is initialized at request startup, then used anytime the player wins, and cleared at the end of the current request:

    zend_long rnd;
    zend_ulong cur_score;
    zval scores;


static void pib_rnd_init(void)
    /* reset current score as well */
    PIB_G(cur_score) = 0;
    php_random_int(0, 100, &PIB_G(rnd), 0);

    /* ZEND_SECURE_ZERO is a memset(0). Could resolve to bzero() as well */
    ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(pib_globals, sizeof(*pib_globals));

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_guess, 0, 0, 1)
    ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, num)


    return SUCCESS;


    return SUCCESS;

    zend_long r;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &r) == FAILURE) {

    if (r == PIB_G(rnd)) {
        add_next_index_long(&PIB_G(scores), PIB_G(cur_score));


    if (r < PIB_G(rnd)) {


    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {

    RETVAL_ZVAL(&PIB_G(scores), 1, 0);

    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {


static const zend_function_entry func[] = {
    PHP_FE(pib_reset, NULL)
    PHP_FE(pib_get_scores, NULL)
    PHP_FE(pib_guess, arginfo_guess)

zend_module_entry pib_module_entry = {
    func, /* Function entries */
    NULL, /* Module init */
    NULL, /* Module shutdown */
    PHP_RINIT(pib), /* Request init */
    PHP_RSHUTDOWN(pib), /* Request shutdown */
    NULL, /* Module information */
    "0.1", /* Replace with version number for your extension */

What must be noted here, is that PHP provides no facility if you would have wanted to persist the scores accross requests. That would have needed a persistent shared storage, such as a file, a database, some memory area, etc... PHP has not been designed to persist informations accross requests in its heart, so it provides nothing to do so, but provides utilities to access request-bound global space like we showed.

Then, easy enough we initialize an array in RINIT(), and we destroy it in RSHUTDOWN(). Remember that array_init() creates a :doc:`zend_array <../internal_types/hashtables>` and puts it into a :doc:`zval <../internal_types/zvals>`. But this is allocation-free, do not fear to allocate an array the user could not make use of (thus a waste in allocation), array_init() is very cheap (read the source).

When we return such an array to the user, we don't forget to increment its refcount (in RETVAL_ZVAL) as we keep a reference to such an array into our extension.

Using true globals

True globals are non-thread-protected-true-C-globals. It may happen sometimes that you need some of them. Remember however the main rule : you cannot safely write to such globals as you are treating a request. So usually with PHP, we need such variables and use them as read-only variable.

Remember it is perfectly safe to write to true-globals as you are in the MINIT() or MSHUTDOWN() steps of PHP lifecycle. But you can't write to them while treating a request (but reading from them is OK).

So, a simple example is that you want to read an environment value to do something with it. Also, it is not uncomon to initialize persistent :doc:`zend_string <../internal_types/strings/zend_strings>` to make use of them later as you'll treat some requests.

Here is the patched example introducing true globals, we just show the diff about preceding code and not the full code:

static zend_string *more, *less;
static zend_ulong max = 100;

static void register_persistent_string(char *str, zend_string **result)
    *result = zend_string_init(str, strlen(str), 1);

    GC_FLAGS(*result) |= IS_INTERNED;

    char *pib_max;

    register_persistent_string("more", &more);
    register_persistent_string("less", &less);

    if (pib_max = getenv("PIB_RAND_MAX")) {
        if (!strchr(pib_max, '-')) {
            max = ZEND_STRTOUL(pib_max, NULL, 10);

    return SUCCESS;


    return SUCCESS;

    zend_long r;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &r) == FAILURE) {

    if (r == PIB_G(rnd)) {
        add_next_index_long(&PIB_G(scores), PIB_G(cur_score));


    if (r < PIB_G(rnd)) {


What happened here is that we created two :doc:`zend_string <../internal_types/strings/zend_strings>` variables more and less. Those strings don't need to be created and destroyed anytime they are used like it was done before. Those are immutable strings that can be allocated once and reused anytime needed, as soon as they stay immutable (aka : read-only). We initialize those two strings in MINIT() using a persistent allocation in zend_string_init(), we precompute their hash now (instead of having the very first request doing it), and we tell the zval garbage collector those strings are interned so that it will never ever try to destroy them (however it could need to copy them if they were used as part of a write operation, such as a concatenation). Obviously we don't forget to destroy such strings in MSHUTDOWN().

Then in MINIT() we probe for a PIB_RAND_MAX environment and use it as the maximum range value for our random number pick. As we use an unsigned integer and we know strtoull() won't complain about negative numbers (and thus wrap around integer bounds as sign mismatch), we just avoid using negative (classic libc workarounds).

Compiler, Engine and PHP Globals

When dealing with globals some times you will need to deal with some of the PHP core globals, PHP provides a various macros to access those globals.:

CG(GLOBAL); /*refers to Compiler Globals*/
EG(GLOBAL); /*refers to Engine and Executor Globals*/
PG(GLOBAL); /*refers to PHP Globals*/

a quick live example from the standard extension, especially the constant function from basic_functions.c file, when we are trying to get an undefined constant

if (!EG(exception)) {
    php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Couldn't find constant %s", ZSTR_VAL(const_name));

PHP will throw an E_WARNING traditional warning if the exception global -which refers to the exception class- is not defined.

You can find out more about the available globals for each macro at zend_globals.h file.