Here we detail what a PHP extension look like, and how to generate a skeleton using some tools. That will allow us to use a skeleton code and hack into it, instead of creating every needed piece by hand from scratch.
We'll also detail how you could/should organize your extension files, how the engine loads them, and basically everything you need to know about a PHP extension.
You remember :doc:`the chapter about building PHP extensions <../build_system/building_extensions>`, so you know how to compile/build it and install it.
You may build statically compiled extensions, those are extensions that are part of PHP's heart and melt into it. They are not represented as .so files, but as .o objects that are linked into the final PHP executable (ELF). Thus, such extensions cannot be disabled, they are part of the PHP executable body code : they are here, in, whatever you say and do. Some extensions are required to be statically built, f.e ext/core, ext/standard, ext/spl and ext/mysqlnd (non-exhaustive list).
You can find the list of statically compiled extensions by looking at the main/internal_functions.c
that is
generated while you compile PHP. This step is detailed in
:doc:`the chapter about building PHP <../build_system/building_php>`.
Then, you may also build dynamically loaded extensions. Those are the famous files that are born at the end of the individual compilation process. Dynamically loaded extensions offer the advantage to be pluggable and unpluggable at runtime, and don't require a recompilation of all PHP to be enabled or disabled. The drawback is that the PHP process startup time is longer when it must load .so files. But that's a matter of milliseconds and you don't really suffer from that.
Another drawback of dynamically loaded extensions is the extension loading order. Some extensions may require other ones to be loaded before them. Although this is not a good practice, we'll see that PHP extension system allows you to declare dependencies to master such an order, but dependencies are usually a bad idea and should be avoided.
Last thing : PHP statically compiled extensions start before dynamically compiled ones. That means that their
is called before files' MINIT()
When PHP starts, it quickly goes to parse its different INI files. If present, those later may declare extensions to load using the "" line reference. PHP then collects every extension parsed from INI configuration, and will try to load them in the same order they've been added to the INI file, until some extensions declared some dependencies (which will then be loaded before).
If you use an operating system package manager, you may have noticed that packagers usually name their extension file with heading numbers, aka 00_ext.ini, 01_ext.ini etc... This is to master the order extensions will be loaded. Some uncommon extensions require a specific order to be run. We'd like to remind you that depending on other extensions to be loaded before yours is a bad idea.
To load extensions, libdl and its dlopen()/dlsym() functions are used.
The symbol that is looked for is the get_module()
symbol, that means that you extension must export it to be loaded.
This is usually the case, as if you used the skeleton script (we'll foresee it in a minute), then that later generated
code using the ZEND_GET_MODULE(your_ext)
macro, which looks like:
#define ZEND_GET_MODULE(name) \ BEGIN_EXTERN_C()\ ZEND_DLEXPORT zend_module_entry *get_module(void) { return &name##_module_entry; }\ END_EXTERN_C()
Like you can see, that macro when used declares a global symbol : the get_module() function that will get called by the engine once wanting to load your extension.
The source code PHP uses to load extensions is located into ext/standard/dl.c
A PHP extension, not to be confused with a :doc:`Zend extension <zend_extensions>`, is set up by the usage of a
struct _zend_module_entry { unsigned short size; /* unsigned int zend_api; * STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER unsigned char zend_debug; * unsigned char zts; */ const struct _zend_ini_entry *ini_entry; /* Unused */ const struct _zend_module_dep *deps; /* Module dependencies */ const char *name; /* Module name */ const struct _zend_function_entry *functions; /* Module published functions */ int (*module_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); /* int (*module_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); * int (*request_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); * Lifetime functions (hooks) int (*request_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); * void (*info_func)(ZEND_MODULE_INFO_FUNC_ARGS); */ const char *version; /* Module version */ size_t globals_size; /* #ifdef ZTS * ts_rsrc_id* globals_id_ptr; * #else * Globals management void* globals_ptr; * #endif * void (*globals_ctor)(void *global); * void (*globals_dtor)(void *global); */ int (*post_deactivate_func)(void); /* Rarely used lifetime hook */ int module_started; /* Has module been started (internal usage) */ unsigned char type; /* Module type (internal usage) */ void *handle; /* dlopen() returned handle */ int module_number; /* module number among others */ const char *build_id; /* build id, part of STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES_EX */ };
The four first parameters have already been explained in
:doc:`the building extensions chapter <../build_system/building_extensions>`. They are usually filled-in using the
The ini_entry
vector is actually unused. You :doc:`register INI entries <ini_settings>` using special macros.
Then you may declare dependencies, that means that your extension could need another extension to be loaded before it,
or could declare a conflict with another extensions. This is done using the deps
field. In reality, this is very
ucommonly used, and more generally it is a bad pactice to create dependencies accross PHP extensions. Also, note that
dependencies are
After that you declare a name
. Nothing to say, this name is the name of your extension (which can be different from
the name of its own .so file). Take care the name is case sensitive in most operations, we suggest you use something
short, lower case, with no spaces (to make things a bit easier).
Then come the functions
field. It is a pointer to some PHP functions that extension wants to register into
the engine. We talked about that :doc:`in a dedicated chapter <php_functions>`.
Keeping-on come the 5 lifetime hooks. :doc:`See their dedicated chapter <php_lifecycle>`.
Your extension may publish a version number, as a char *
, using the version
field. This field is only read as
part of your extension informations, that is by phpinfo() or by the reflection API as
We next see a lot of fields about globals. Globals management :doc:`has a dedicated chapter <globals_management>`.
Finally the ending fields are usually part of the STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES
macro and you don't have to play with
them by hand. The engine will give you a module_number
for its internal management, and the extension type will be
as if you extension were loaded using PHP's userland
function, but that use-case is very uncommon, doesn't work with every SAPI and temporary extensions usually
lead to many problems into the engine.
Now we'll see how to generate an extension skeleton so that you may start a new extension with some minimal content and structure you won't be forced to create by hand from scratch.
the skeleton generator script is located into php-src/ext/ext_skel and the structure it uses as a template is stored into php-src/ext/skeleton
The script and the structure move a little bit as PHP versions move forward.
You can analyze those scripts to see how they work, but the basic usage is:
> cd /tmp
/tmp> /path/to/php/ext/ext_skel --skel=/path/to/php/ext/skeleton --extname=pib
[ ... generating ... ]
/tmp> tree pib/
├── config.m4
├── config.w32
├── php_pib.h
├── pib.c
├── pib.php
└── tests
└── 001.phpt
You can see a very basic an minimal structure that got generated. You've learnt in the building extension chapter that the to-be-compiled files of your extension must be declared into config.m4. The skeleton only generated <your-ext-name>.c file. For the example, we called the extension "pib" so we got a pib.c file and we must uncomment the --enable-pib line in config.m4 for it to get compiled.
Every C file comes with a header file (usually). Here, the structure is php_<your-ext-name>.h , so php_pib.h for us. Don't change that name, the building system expects such a naming convention for the header file.
You can see that a minimal test structure has been generated as well.
Let's open pib.c. In there, everything is commented out, so we won't have too many lines to write here.
Basically, we can see that the module symbol needed by the engine to load our extension is published here:
macro is defined if you pass --enable-<my-ext-name> flag to configure script. We
also see that in case of ZTS mode, the TSRM local storage pointer is defined as part of ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_DEFINE()
After that, there is nothing more to say as everything is commented out and should be clear to you.
Since this commit and the extension skeleton generator had took a new style :
It will now run on Windows without Cygwin and other nonsense. It no longer includes a way to generate XML documentation (the PHP documentation utilities already got tools for that in svn under phpdoc/doc-base) and it no longer support function stubs.
and here is the available options :
php ext_skel.php --ext <name> [--experimental] [--author <name>]
[--dir <path>] [--std] [--onlyunix]
[--onlywindows] [--help]
--ext <name> The name of the extension defined as <name>
--experimental Passed if this extension is experimental, this creates
the EXPERIMENTAL file in the root of the extension
--author <name> Your name, this is used if --header is passed and
for the CREDITS file
--dir <path> Path to the directory for where extension should be
created. Defaults to the directory of where this script
--std If passed, the standard header and vim rules footer used
in extensions that is included in the core, will be used
--onlyunix Only generate configure scripts for Unix
--onlywindows Only generate configure scripts for Windows
--help This help
The new extension skeleton generator will generate skeleton with three fixed functions, you may define any others functions and change the concrete body as you want.
Remember that the new ext_skel is no longer support proto files.
Another alternative to generate a PHP extension skeleton is by using the third-party extSkel package
it's retrieve the concept of the proto files but this time the proto file will be written in PHP and the package will do the rest of job.
the available options are:
php extSkel --proto="path/to/file" [--extension=extname] [--dest-dir=path]
[--credits="author name"] [--dump-header] [--fast-zpp]
--proto=file File contains prototypes of functions to create
--extension=extname Module is the name of your extension
--dest-dir=path Path to the extension directory
--credits=author Credits string to be added to headers
--help This message
--dump-header Append header string to your extension
--fast-zpp Use FastZPP API instead of zpp functions
you can find out more about the package and the the basic usage at github.
If we open the header file, we can see those lines:
#ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_PIB_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_PIB_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_PIB_API #endif
Those lines define a macro named PHP_<EXT-NAME>_API
(for us PHP_PIB_API
) and it resolves to the
GCC custom attribute
In C, you can tell the linker to hide every symbol from the final object. This is what's done in PHP, for every symbol, not only static ones (which are by definition not published).
The default PHP compilation line tells the compiler to hide every symbol and not export them.
You should then "unhide" the symbols you'd like your extension to publish for those to be used in other extensions or other parts of the final ELF file.
Remember that you can read published and hidden symbol of an ELF using nm
under Unix.
We can't explain thoses concepts in deep here, perhaps such links could help you ?
So basically, if you want a C symbol of yours to be publicly available to other extensions, you should declare it
using the special PHP_PIB_API
macro. The traditional use-case for that is to publish the classes symbols
type) so that other extensions can hook into your own published classes and replace some of their
Please, note that this only works with the traditional PHP. If you use :doc:`a PHP from a Linux distribution <../build_system/building_php>`, those are patched to resolve symbols at load time and not lazilly, thus this trick doesn't work.