Using latest Docker image. I want to expose my project source code to enable loading into the notebook namespace.
On my local machine I can do:
clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {org.pinkgorilla/gorilla-notebook {:mvn/version "0.4.17"} db/driver {:local/root "./resources/RedshiftJDBC42-"}}}' -m pinkgorilla.notebook-app.core -P 9113
When this is executed in my project directory, the notebook can find the ./src/projectname .clj files.
In the Docker image, I am not successful after modifying /usr/bin/ to use /bin/ to set a classpath to something like /src/projectname which points to the .clj files.
Testing the classpath in the notebook using shows only the jars in the local maven repo.
The actual path is unimportant to me. If there is a default location where the notebook can fine project source files that would be fine.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
(local env is MacOS 10.15.6)