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349 lines (328 loc) Β· 25.8 KB

Synthea Data Dictionary

File Description
allergies Patient allergy data.
careplans Patient care plan data, including goals.
claims Patient claim data.
claims_transactions Transactions per line item per claim.
conditions Patient conditions or diagnoses.
devices Patient-affixed permanent and semi-permanent devices.
encounters Patient encounter data.
imaging_studies Patient imaging metadata.
immunizations Patient immunization data.
medications Patient medication data.
observations Patient observations including vital signs and lab reports.
organizations Provider organizations including hospitals.
patients Patient demographic data.
payer_transitions Payer Transition data (i.e. changes in health insurance).
payers Payer organization data.
procedures Patient procedure data including surgeries.
providers Clinicians that provide patient care.
supplies Supplies used in the provision of care.

Data Dictionary information for each CSV table follows below.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) true The date the allergy was diagnosed.
Stop Date (YYYY-MM-DD) false The date the allergy ended, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter when the allergy was diagnosed.
Code String true Allergy code
System String true Terminology system of the Allergy code. RxNorm if this is a medication allergy, otherwise SNOMED-CT.
Description String true Description of the Allergy
Type String false Identify entry as an allergy or intolerance.
Category String false Identify the category as drug, medication, food, or environment.
Reaction1 String false Optional SNOMED code of the patients reaction.
Description1 String false Optional description of the Reaction1 SNOMED code.
Severity1 String false Severity of the reaction: MILD, MODERATE, or SEVERE.
Reaction2 String false Optional SNOMED code of the patients second reaction.
Description2 String false Optional description of the Reaction2 SNOMED code.
Severity2 String false Severity of the second reaction: MILD, MODERATE, or SEVERE.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the care plan.
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) true The date the care plan was initiated.
Stop Date (YYYY-MM-DD) false The date the care plan ended, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter when the care plan was initiated.
Code String true Code from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of the care plan.
ReasonCode String true Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT that this care plan addresses.
ReasonDescription String true Description of the reason code.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the claim.
πŸ— Patient ID UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Provider ID UUID true Foreign key to the Provider.
πŸ— Primary Patient Insurance ID UUID false Foreign key to the primary Payer.
πŸ— Secondary Patient Insurance ID UUID false Foreign key to the second Payer.
Department ID Numeric true Placeholder for department.
Patient Department ID Numeric true Placeholder for patient department.
Diagnosis1 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis2 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis3 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis4 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis5 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis6 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis7 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
Diagnosis8 String false SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim.
πŸ— Referring Provider ID UUID false Foreign key to the Provider who made the referral.
πŸ— Appointment ID UUID false Foreign key to the Encounter.
Current Illness Date Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date the patient experienced symptoms.
Service Date Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date of the services on the claim.
πŸ— Supervising Provider ID UUID false Foreign key to the supervising Provider.
Status1 String false Status of the claim from the Primary Insurance. BILLED or CLOSED.
Status2 String false Status of the claim from the Secondary Insurance. BILLED or CLOSED.
StatusP String false Status of the claim from the Patient. BILLED or CLOSED.
Outstanding1 Numeric false Total amount of money owed by Primary Insurance.
Outstanding2 Numeric false Total amount of money owed by Secondary Insurance.
OutstandingP Numeric false Total amount of money owed by Patient.
LastBilledDate1 Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false Date the claim was sent to Primary Insurance.
LastBilledDate2 Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false Date the claim was sent to Secondary Insurance.
LastBilledDateP Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false Date the claim was sent to the Patient.
HealthcareClaimTypeID1 Numeric false Type of claim: 1 is professional, 2 is institutional.
HealthcareClaimTypeID2 Numeric false Type of claim: 1 is professional, 2 is institutional.

Claims Transactions

Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the claim transaction.
πŸ— Claim ID UUID true Foreign key to the Claim.
Charge ID Numeric true Charge ID.
πŸ— Patient ID UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
Type String true CHARGE: original line item. PAYMENT: payment made against a charge by an insurance company (aka Payer) or patient. ADJUSTMENT: change in the charge without a payment, made by an insurance company. TRANSFERIN and TRANSFEROUT: transfer of the balance from one insurance company to another, or to a patient.
Amount Numeric false Dollar amount for a CHARGE or TRANSFERIN.
Method String false Payment made by CASH, CHECK, ECHECK, COPAY, SYSTEM (adjustments without payment), or CC (credit card).
From Date Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false Transaction start date.
To Date Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false Transaction end date.
πŸ— Place of Service UUID true Foreign key to the Organization.
Procedure Code String true SNOMED-CT or other code (e.g. CVX for Vaccines) for the service.
Modifier1 String false Unused. Modifier on procedure code.
Modifier2 String false Unused. Modifier on procedure code.
DiagnosisRef1 Numeric false Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options.
DiagnosisRef2 Numeric false Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options.
DiagnosisRef3 Numeric false Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options.
DiagnosisRef4 Numeric false Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options.
Units Numeric false Number of units of the service.
Department ID Numeric false Placeholder for department.
Notes String false Description of the service or transaction.
Unit Amount Numeric false Cost per unit.
Transfer Out ID Numeric false If the transaction is a TRANSFERIN, the Charge ID of the corresponding TRANSFEROUT row.
Transfer Type String false 1 if transferred to the primary insurance, 2 if transferred to the secondary insurance, or p if transferred to the patient.
Payments Numeric false Dollar amount of a payment for a PAYMENT row.
Adjustments Numeric false Dollar amount of an adjustment for an ADJUSTMENTS row.
Transfers Numeric false Dollar amount of a transfer for a TRANSFERIN or TRANSFEROUT row.
Outstanding Numeric false Dollar amount left unpaid after this transaction was applied.
πŸ— Appointment ID UUID false Foreign key to the Encounter.
Line Note String false Note.
πŸ— Patient Insurance ID UUID false Foreign key to the Payer Transitions table member ID.
Fee Schedule ID Numeric false Fixed to 1.
πŸ— Provider ID UUID true Foreign key to the Provider.
πŸ— Supervising Provider ID UUID false Foreign key to the supervising Provider.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) true The date the condition was diagnosed.
Stop Date (YYYY-MM-DD) false The date the condition resolved, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter when the condition was diagnosed.
Code String true Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of the condition.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Start iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the device was associated to the patient.
Stop iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false The date and time the device was removed, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter when the device was associated.
Code String true Type of device, from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of the device.
UDI String true Unique Device Identifier for the device.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the encounter.
Start iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the encounter started.
Stop iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false The date and time the encounter concluded.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Organization UUID true Foreign key to the Organization.
πŸ— Provider UUID true Foreign key to the Provider.
πŸ— Payer UUID true Foreign key to the Payer.
EncounterClass String true The class of the encounter, such as ambulatory, emergency, inpatient, wellness, or urgentcare
Code String true Encounter code from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of the type of encounter.
Base_Encounter_Cost Numeric true The base cost of the encounter, not including any line item costs related to medications, immunizations, procedures, or other services.
Total_Claim_Cost Numeric true The total cost of the encounter, including all line items.
Payer_Coverage Numeric true The amount of cost covered by the Payer.
ReasonCode String false Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT, only if this encounter targeted a specific condition.
ReasonDescription String false Description of the reason code.

Imaging Studies

Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Id UUID true Non-unique identifier of the imaging study. An imaging study may have multiple rows.
Date iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the imaging study was conducted.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter where the imaging study was conducted.
Series UID String true Imaging Study series DICOM UID.
Body Site Code String true A SNOMED Body Structures code describing what part of the body the images in the series were taken of.
Body Site Description String true Description of the body site.
Modality Code String true A DICOM-DCM code describing the method used to take the images.
Modality Description String true Description of the modality.
Instance UID String true Imaging Study instance DICOM UID.
SOP Code String true A DICOM-SOP code describing the Subject-Object Pair (SOP) that constitutes the image.
SOP Description String true Description of the SOP code.
Procedure Code String true Procedure code from SNOMED-CT.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Date iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date the immunization was administered.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter where the immunization was administered.
Code String true Immunization code from CVX.
Description String true Description of the immunization.
Cost Numeric true The line item cost of the immunization.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Start iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the medication was prescribed.
Stop iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false The date and time the prescription ended, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Payer UUID true Foreign key to the Payer.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter where the medication was prescribed.
Code String true Medication code from RxNorm.
Description String true Description of the medication.
Base_Cost Numeric true The line item cost of the medication.
Payer_Coverage Numeric true The amount covered or reimbursed by the Payer.
Dispenses Numeric true The number of times the prescription was filled.
TotalCost Numeric true The total cost of the prescription, including all dispenses.
ReasonCode String false Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT specifying why this medication was prescribed.
ReasonDescription String false Description of the reason code.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Date iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the observation was performed.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter where the observation was performed.
Category String false Observation category.
Code String true Observation or Lab code from LOINC
Description String true Description of the observation or lab.
Value String true The recorded value of the observation.
Units String false The units of measure for the value.
Type String true The datatype of Value: text or numeric


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary key of the Organization.
Name String true Name of the Organization.
Address String true Organization's street address without commas or newlines.
City String true Street address city.
State String false Street address state abbreviation.
Zip String false Street address zip or postal code.
Lat Numeric false Latitude of Organization's address.
Lon Numeric false Longitude of Organization's address.
Phone String false Organization's phone number.
Revenue Numeric true The monetary revenue of the organization during the entire simulation.
Utilization Numeric true The number of Encounters performed by this Organization.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the patient.
BirthDate Date (YYYY-MM-DD) true The date the patient was born.
DeathDate Date (YYYY-MM-DD) false The date the patient died.
SSN String true Patient Social Security identifier.
Drivers String false Patient Drivers License identifier.
Passport String false Patient Passport identifier.
Prefix String false Name prefix, such as Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.
First String true First name of the patient.
Middle String false Middle name of the patient.
Last String true Last or surname of the patient.
Suffix String false Name suffix, such as PhD, MD, JD, etc.
Maiden String false Maiden name of the patient.
Marital String false Marital Status. M is married, S is single. Currently no support for divorce (D) or widowing (W)
Race String true Description of the patient's primary race.
Ethnicity String true Description of the patient's primary ethnicity.
Gender String true Gender. M is male, F is female.
BirthPlace String true Name of the town where the patient was born.
Address String true Patient's street address without commas or newlines.
City String true Patient's address city.
State String true Patient's address state.
County String false Patient's address county.
FIPS County Code String false Patient's FIPS county code.
Zip String false Patient's zip code.
Lat Numeric false Latitude of Patient's address.
Lon Numeric false Longitude of Patient's address.
Healthcare_Expenses Numeric true The total lifetime cost of healthcare to the patient (i.e. what the patient paid).
Healthcare_Coverage Numeric true The total lifetime cost of healthcare services that were covered by Payers (i.e. what the insurance company paid).
Income Numeric true Annual income for the Patient

Payer Transitions

Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
Member ID UUID false Member ID for the Insurance Plan.
Start_Year Date (YYYY) true The year the coverage started (inclusive).
End_Year Date (YYYY) true The year the coverage ended (inclusive).
πŸ— Payer UUID true Foreign key to the Payer.
πŸ— Secondary Payer UUID false Foreign key to the Secondary Payer.
Ownership String false The owner of the insurance policy. Legal values: Guardian, Self, Spouse.
Owner Name String false The name of the insurance policy owner.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary key of the Payer (e.g. Insurance).
Name String true Name of the Payer.
Address String false Payer's street address without commas or newlines.
City String false Street address city.
State_Headquartered String false Street address state abbreviation.
Zip String false Street address zip or postal code.
Phone String false Payer's phone number.
Amount_Covered Numeric true The monetary amount paid to Organizations during the entire simulation.
Amount_Uncovered Numeric true The monetary amount not paid to Organizations during the entire simulation, and covered out of pocket by patients.
Revenue Numeric true The monetary revenue of the Payer during the entire simulation.
Covered_Encounters Numeric true The number of Encounters paid for by this Payer.
Uncovered_Encounters Numeric true The number of Encounters not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients.
Covered_Medications Numeric true The number of Medications paid for by this Payer.
Uncovered_Medications Numeric true The number of Medications not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients.
Covered_Procedures Numeric true The number of Procedures paid for by this Payer.
Uncovered_Procedures Numeric true The number of Procedures not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients.
Covered_Immunizations Numeric true The number of Immunizations paid for by this Payer.
Uncovered_Immunizations Numeric true The number of Immunizations not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients.
Unique_Customers Numeric true The number of unique patients enrolled with this Payer during the entire simulation.
QOLS_Avg Numeric true The average Quality of Life Scores (QOLS) for all patients enrolled with this Payer during the entire simulation.
Member_Months Numeric true The total number of months that patients were enrolled with this Payer during the simulation and paid monthly premiums (if any).


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
("Date", prior to v3.0.0 )
iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') true The date and time the procedure was performed.
Stop iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z') false The date and time the procedure was completed, if applicable.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter where the procedure was performed.
Code String true Procedure code from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of the procedure.
Base_Cost Numeric true The line item cost of the procedure.
ReasonCode String false Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT specifying why this procedure was performed.
ReasonDescription String false Description of the reason code.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
πŸ”‘ Id UUID true Primary key of the Provider/Clinician.
πŸ— Organization UUID true Foreign key to the Organization that employees this provider.
Name String true First and last name of the Provider.
Gender String true Gender. M is male, F is female.
Speciality String true Provider speciality.
Address String true Provider's street address without commas or newlines.
City String true Street address city.
State String false Street address state abbreviation.
Zip String false Street address zip or postal code.
Lat Numeric false Latitude of Provider's address.
Lon Numeric false Longitude of Provider's address.
Utilization Numeric true The number of Encounter's performed by this provider.


Column Name Data Type Required? Description
Date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) true The date the supplies were used.
πŸ— Patient UUID true Foreign key to the Patient.
πŸ— Encounter UUID true Foreign key to the Encounter when the supplies were used.
Code String true Code for the type of supply used, from SNOMED-CT
Description String true Description of supply used.
Quantity Numeric true Quantity of supply used.