Upon authentication, a user lands to a page where he can select the image he would like to load:
If he wants to run another container (environment), from the Jupyter Lab server, he has to click on File -> Hub Control Panel
to eventually reach this page:
User has then to provide a name (whatever it is) to run another environment.
We find the use of the "Server Options" page and the "Hub Control Panel" page a bit confusing.
Would it be possible/pertinent to implement the following strategy?
Upon authentication, user lands on the "Hub Control Panel" page.
Without choosing any name himself, he clicks on a link to load a new server. All servers are named but the name is automatic.
He chooses the kind of environment he wants to run ("Server Options" page). The name of the server is the name of the env itself. For instance, the name would be
for the envplasmabio/template-python:master
By using only named servers, this will homogenize the name of user servers as seen in the admin panel, and also their management. For instance:
Using automatically names for named servers will prevent user:
- to chose arbitrary stupid or useless names
- to load the same env twice, since a named server cannot (or shouldn't) have the same name.
This will also ease the way how users manage their own envs.