What happens?
Postgres has so called quoted identifier where case of table name and fields became significant.
%sqlcmd profile
throw "column X does not exist error" on such tables.
To Reproduce
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from ipython_secrets import *
db_url = f'postgresql://data:{get_secret("DB_PASSWORD_PG")}@'
engine = create_engine(db_url)
%sql engine --alias PG
db_url = None
%sqlcmd profile --table "group"
UndefinedColumn Traceback (most recent call last)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._exec_single_context(self, dialect, context, statement, parameters)
1964 if not evt_handled:
-> 1965 self.dialect.do_execute(
1966 cursor, str_statement, effective_parameters, context
1967 )
1969 if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in DefaultDialect.do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context)
920 def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
--> 921 cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
UndefinedColumn: column "createdat" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT createdAt FROM "group" LIMIT 1
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "group.createdAt".
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ProgrammingError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[14], line 1
----> 1 get_ipython().run_line_magic('sqlcmd', 'profile --table "group"')
3 # UndefinedColumn: column "createdat" does not exist
4 # LINE 1: SELECT createdAt FROM "group" LIMIT 1
5 # TODO fill BUG
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/, in InteractiveShell.run_line_magic(self, magic_name, line, _stack_depth)
2415 kwargs['local_ns'] = self.get_local_scope(stack_depth)
2416 with self.builtin_trap:
-> 2417 result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
2419 # The code below prevents the output from being displayed
2420 # when using magics with decodator @output_can_be_silenced
2421 # when the last Python token in the expression is a ';'.
2422 if getattr(fn, magic.MAGIC_OUTPUT_CAN_BE_SILENCED, False):
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/, in SqlCmdMagic._validate_execute_inputs(self, line)
103 support_only_sql_alchemy_connection(f"%sqlcmd {command}")
--> 105 return self.execute(command, others)
106 else:
107 raise exceptions.UsageError(
108 f"%sqlcmd has no command: {command!r}. "
109 "Valid commands are: {}".format(
111 )
112 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/, in SqlCmdMagic.execute(self, cmd_name, others, cell, local_ns)
133 return cmd(others)
134 else:
--> 135 return cmd(others,
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/cmd/, in profile(others, user_ns)
39 if is_rendering_required(" ".join(others)):
40 expand_args(args, user_ns)
---> 42 report = inspect.get_table_statistics(schema=args.schema, name=args.table)
44 if args.output:
45 with open(args.output, "w") as f:
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ploomber_core/telemetry/, in Telemetry.log_call.<locals>._log_call.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
698 result = func(_payload, *args, **kwargs)
699 else:
--> 700 result = func(*args, **kwargs)
701 except Exception as e:
702 metadata_error = {
703 # can we log None to posthog?
704 "type": getattr(e, "type_", None),
707 **_payload,
708 }
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/, in get_table_statistics(name, schema)
492 @telemetry.log_call()
493 def get_table_statistics(name, schema=None):
494 """Get table statistics for a given connection.
496 For all data types the results will include `count`, `mean`, `std`, `min`
497 `max`, `25`, `50` and `75` percentiles. It will also include `unique`, `top`
498 and `freq` statistics.
499 """
--> 500 return TableDescription(name, schema=schema)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ploomber_core/, in modify_exceptions.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
125 @wraps(fn)
126 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
127 try:
--> 128 return fn(*args, **kwargs)
129 except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
130 _add_community_link(e)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/, in TableDescription.__init__(self, table_name, schema)
257 # check the datatype of a column
258 try:
--> 259 result = ConnectionManager.current.raw_execute(
260 f"""SELECT {column} FROM {table_name} LIMIT 1"""
261 ).fetchone()
263 value = result[0]
264 is_numeric = isinstance(value, (int, float)) or (
265 isinstance(value, str) and _is_numeric(value)
266 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/connection/, in SQLAlchemyConnection.raw_execute(self, query, parameters, with_)
822 else:
823 try:
--> 824 return self._connection_execute(query, parameters)
825 except StatementError as e:
826 # add a more helpful message if the users passes :variable but
827 # the feature isn't enabled
828 if parameters is None:
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/connection/, in SQLAlchemyConnection._connection_execute(self, query, parameters)
728 raise NotImplementedError("Only one statement is supported.")
730 operation = partial(self._execute_with_parameters, query, parameters)
--> 731 out = self._execute_with_error_handling(operation)
733 if self._requires_manual_commit:
734 # Calling connection.commit() when using duckdb-engine will yield
735 # empty results if we commit after a SELECT or SUMMARIZE statement,
736 # see:
737 if self.dialect == "duckdb":
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/connection/, in SQLAlchemyConnection._execute_with_error_handling(self, operation)
859 rollback_needed = False
861 try:
--> 862 out = operation()
864 # this is a generic error but we've seen it in postgres. it helps recover
865 # from a idle session timeout (happens in psycopg 2 and psycopg 3)
866 except PendingRollbackError:
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sql/connection/, in SQLAlchemyConnection._execute_with_parameters(self, query, parameters)
765 out = self._connection.execute(sqlalchemy.text(query), **parameters)
766 else:
--> 767 out = self._connection.execute(
768 sqlalchemy.text(query), parameters=parameters
769 )
771 return out
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection.execute(self, statement, parameters, execution_options)
1410 raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err
1411 else:
-> 1412 return meth(
1413 self,
1414 distilled_parameters,
1415 execution_options or NO_OPTIONS,
1416 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/, in ClauseElement._execute_on_connection(self, connection, distilled_params, execution_options)
482 assert isinstance(self, Executable)
--> 483 return connection._execute_clauseelement(
484 self, distilled_params, execution_options
485 )
486 else:
487 raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._execute_clauseelement(self, elem, distilled_parameters, execution_options)
1623 compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType] = execution_options.get(
1624 "compiled_cache", self.engine._compiled_cache
1625 )
1627 compiled_sql, extracted_params, cache_hit = elem._compile_w_cache(
1628 dialect=dialect,
1629 compiled_cache=compiled_cache,
1633 linting=self.dialect.compiler_linting | compiler.WARN_LINTING,
1634 )
-> 1635 ret = self._execute_context(
1636 dialect,
1637 dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled,
1638 compiled_sql,
1639 distilled_parameters,
1640 execution_options,
1641 compiled_sql,
1642 distilled_parameters,
1643 elem,
1644 extracted_params,
1645 cache_hit=cache_hit,
1646 )
1647 if has_events:
1648 self.dispatch.after_execute(
1649 self,
1650 elem,
1654 ret,
1655 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._execute_context(self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, execution_options, *args, **kw)
1839 return self._exec_insertmany_context(
1840 dialect,
1841 context,
1842 )
1843 else:
-> 1844 return self._exec_single_context(
1845 dialect, context, statement, parameters
1846 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._exec_single_context(self, dialect, context, statement, parameters)
1981 result = context._setup_result_proxy()
1983 except BaseException as e:
-> 1984 self._handle_dbapi_exception(
1985 e, str_statement, effective_parameters, cursor, context
1986 )
1988 return result
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._handle_dbapi_exception(self, e, statement, parameters, cursor, context, is_sub_exec)
2337 elif should_wrap:
2338 assert sqlalchemy_exception is not None
-> 2339 raise sqlalchemy_exception.with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
2340 else:
2341 assert exc_info[1] is not None
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._exec_single_context(self, dialect, context, statement, parameters)
1963 break
1964 if not evt_handled:
-> 1965 self.dialect.do_execute(
1966 cursor, str_statement, effective_parameters, context
1967 )
1969 if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
1970 self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute(
1971 self,
1972 cursor,
1976 context.executemany,
1977 )
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in DefaultDialect.do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context)
920 def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
--> 921 cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn) column "createdat" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT createdAt FROM "group" LIMIT 1
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "group.createdAt".
[SQL: SELECT createdAt FROM "group" LIMIT 1]
(Background on this error at:
JupySQL Version:
Full Name:
Pavel Alexeev
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