sshOps='-o ConnectionAttempts=1 -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
#cat /proc/self/mountstats | grep -e device -e bytes | grep -A1 '/ifs/sharename'
#device mounted on /apps/nfs1 with fstype nfs statvers=1.1
# bytes: 365519302561 101004739949 0 0 101366786069 101284672112 24794404 24894835
#Bytes (linux/nfs_iostat.h: nfs_stat_bytecounters)
#serverwritebytes (serverwrittenbytes)
# * NFS byte counters
# *
# * 1. SERVER - the number of payload bytes read from or written
# * to the server by the NFS client via an NFS READ or WRITE
# * request.
# *
# * 2. NORMAL - the number of bytes read or written by applications
# * via the read(2) and write(2) system call interfaces.
# *
# * 3. DIRECT - the number of bytes read or written from files
# * opened with the O_DIRECT flag.
data="$(ssh ${sshOps} ${box} 'cat /proc/self/mountstats')"
timing1=$(date +%s.%N)
timing1sec=$(echo ${timing1} | sed 's/\..*//')
timing1ns=$(echo ${timing1} | sed 's/.*\.//')
inb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $2}')
onb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $3}')
idb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $4}')
odb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $5}')
isb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $6}')
osb1=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $7}')
sleep ${delay}
data="$(ssh ${sshOps} ${box} 'cat /proc/self/mountstats')"
timing2=$(date +%s.%N)
timing2sec=$(echo ${timing2} | sed 's/\..*//')
timing2ns=$(echo ${timing2} | sed 's/.*\.//')
inb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $2}')
onb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $3}')
idb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $4}')
odb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $5}')
isb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $6}')
osb2=$(echo "${data}" | grep -e 'device' -e 'bytes:' | grep -A1 "${share}" | grep 'bytes:' | awk '{print $7}')
date1=$(date -d@${timing1sec} +"%F %T.${timing1ns}")
date2=$(date -d@${timing2sec} +"%F %T.${timing2ns}")
duration=$(echo "${timing2} - ${timing1}" | bc)
inkBs=$(echo "(${inb2} - ${inb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
onkBs=$(echo "(${onb2} - ${onb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
idkBs=$(echo "(${idb2} - ${idb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
odkBs=$(echo "(${odb2} - ${odb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
iskBs=$(echo "(${isb2} - ${isb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
oskBs=$(echo "(${osb2} - ${osb1})/1000/${duration}"|bc)
echo "Timig : [${date1} - ${date2}] -> [${duration}] seconds"
echo "Read NORMAL traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${inb2} - ${inb1}] -> [${inkBs}] kB/s"
echo "Read DIRECT traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${idb2} - ${idb1}] -> [${idkBs}] kB/s"
echo "Read SERVER traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${isb2} - ${isb1}] -> [${iskBs}] kB/s"
echo "Write NORMAL traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${onb2} - ${onb1}] -> [${onkBs}] kB/s"
echo "Write DIRECT traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${odb2} - ${odb1}] -> [${odkBs}] kB/s"
echo "Write SERVER traffic for [${box}:${share}] : [${osb2} - ${osb1}] -> [${oskBs}] kB/s"