rpm -qis package-name # info about package and files inside
rpm -qa --last >~/RPMS_by_Install_Date # query package install order and dates
rpm2cpio logrotate.rpm | cpio -ivd etc/logrotate.conf # extract one file
rpm -qd mypkg # show you the documentation in rpm
rpm -qdf /path/to/file # show the documentation in the package, owner of that file
rpm -qa release="*rf*" # find packages from rpmforge (uses rf as identifier)
rpm -qa packager="JohnStone*" # show packages built by JohnStone
rpm -q --changelog <packagename> | less # changelog check
rpm -q --changelog -p /tmp/pkgs/mypkg.rpm | less # changelog check
rpm -q --changelog -p http://host.com/mypkg.rpm | less # changelog check