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File metadata and controls

205 lines (179 loc) · 15.9 KB


bignbit is a Cumulus module that can be installed as a post-ingest workflow to generate browse imagery via Harmony and then transfer that imagery to GIBS.

In general, the high level steps are:

  1. For each configured variable within the granule being processed, generate browse imagery via Harmony and store it in S3.
  2. Generate a browse image metadata file for GIBS for each image produced by Harmony.
  3. Construct a CNM message for each image that includes the image, metadata, and optional world file
  4. Send the CNM messages to GIBS via SQS.
  5. Wait for GIBS to process the CNM messages and send a success or failure response back to an SNS topic.
  6. Record the result of GIBS processing in S3.

Installing this module

  1. Add a post-ingest workflow to the cumulus ingest workflow. For example:
                             "queueUrl": "${}"
                    "Next": "BIGSucceed"
  2. Add a new terraform script to the cumulus-deploy-tf scripts used to deploy cumulus. This script should define the bignbit module and the bignbit step function state machine. See an example in
  3. Configure one or more collections

Configuring a collection

  1. Add config file to the config_bucket. The file should be named "collection shortname.cfg" and the contents should be JSON
  2. Associate the UMM-C record to the appropriate Harmony service (HyBIG, net2cog, etc...)

Harmony requests


bignbit uses the user owned bucket parameter when making Harmony requests. If an existing bucket is configured for the bignbit_staging_bucket parameter, it must have a bucket policy that allows Harmony write permission and GIBS read permission. If bignbit_staging_bucket is left blank, bignbit will create a new S3 bucket (named svc-${var.app_name}-${var.prefix}-staging) and apply the correct permissions automatically. This bucket will also automatically expire objects older than 30 days.

bignbit uses the harmony-py library to construct the Harmony requests for generating images. Most of the parameters are extracted from the CMA message as a granule is being processed but the width and height parameters can be set via configuration. Each variable configured for imaging will result in a unique call to Harmony.

See bignbit.submit_harmony_job.generate_harmony_request for details on how the Harmony request is constructed.

Module Inputs

This module uses the following input variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
stage string Environment used for resource tagging (dev, int, ops, etc...)
prefix string Prefix used for resource naming (project name, env name, etc...)
data_buckets list(string) List of buckets where data is stored. Lambdas will be given read/write access to these buckets. []
config_bucket string Bucket where dataset configuration is stored
config_dir string Path relative to config_bucket where dataset configuration is stored "big-config"
bignbit_audit_bucket string S3 bucket where messages exchanged with GITC will be saved. Typically the cumulus internal bucket
bignbit_audit_path string Path relative to bignbit_audit_bucket where messages exchanged with GITC will be saved. "bignbit-cnm-output"
bignbit_staging_bucket string S3 bucket where generated images will be saved. Leave blank to use bucket managed by this module. create new bucket named svc-${var.app_name}-${var.prefix}-staging
harmony_staging_path string Path relative to bignbit_staging_bucket where harmony results will be saved. "bignbit-harmony-output"
gibs_region string Region where GIBS resources are deployed
gibs_queue_name string Name of the GIBS SQS queue where outgoing CNM messages will be sent
gibs_account_id string AWS account ID for GIBS
edl_user_ssm string Name of SSM parameter containing EDL username for querying CMR
edl_pass_ssm string Name of SSM parameter containing EDL password for querying CMR
permissions_boundary_arn string Permissions boundary ARN to apply to the roles created by this module. If not provided, no permissions boundary will be applied.
security_group_ids list(string)
subnet_ids list(string)
app_name string "bignbit"
default_tags map(string) {}
lambda_container_image_uri string ""

Module Outputs

This module supplies the following outputs:

Name Description Value
config_bucket_name Bucket containing dataset configs var.config_bucket
config_path Path relative to config bucket where configs reside var.config_dir
pobit_handle_gitc_response_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.handle_gitc_response.arn
pobit_gibs_topic ARN of SNS topic GIBS replies to aws_sns_topic.gibs_response_topic.arn
pobit_gibs_queue ARN of SQS queue GIBS replies are published to aws_sqs_queue.gibs_response_queue.arn
bignbit_audit_bucket Name of bucket where messages exchanged with GIBS are stored var.bignbit_audit_bucket
bignbit_audit_path Path relative to audit bucket where messages with GIBS are stored var.bignbit_audit_path
get_dataset_configuration_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.get_dataset_configuration.arn
get_granule_umm_json_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.get_granule_umm_json.arn
get_collection_concept_id_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.get_collection_concept_id.arn
identify_image_file_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.identify_image_file.arn
generate_image_metadata_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.generate_image_metadata.arn
submit_harmony_job_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.submit_harmony_job.arn
submit_harmony_job_function_name Name of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.submit_harmony_job.function_name
get_harmony_job_status_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.get_harmony_job_status.arn
process_harmony_results_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.process_harmony_results.arn
apply_opera_hls_treatment_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.apply_opera_hls_treatment.arn
pobit_build_image_sets_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.build_image_sets.arn
pobit_send_to_gitc_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.send_to_gitc.arn
pobit_save_cnm_message_arn ARN of the lambda function aws_lambda_function.save_cnm_message.arn
workflow_definition Rendered state machine definition rendered version of state_machine_definition.tpl
bignbit_staging_bucket Name of bignbit staging bucket var.bignbit_staging_bucket
harmony_staging_path Path to harmony requests relative to harmony staging bucket var.harmony_staging_path
bignbit_lambda_role Role created by the module applied to lambda functions aws_iam_role.bignbit_lambda_role


  • Using ContentBasedDeduplication strategy for GITC input queue

Step Function

Visual representation of the bignbit step function state machine:

Local Development


  1. Install miniconda (or conda) and poetry
  2. Run conda env create -f conda-environment.yaml to install GDAL
  3. Activate the bignbit conda environment conda activate bignbit
  4. Install python package and dependencies poetry install
  5. Verify tests pass poetry run pytest tests/


If developing on a darwin_arm64 based mac, running terraform locally may result in an error message during terraform init: "Provider v2.1.2 does not have a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64." One workaround for this is to use to compile a local arm-based version of the hashicorp/null provider.

This is only necessary as long as cumulus core requires ~>2.1 version of hashicorp/null because v3.x of the provider does have support for darwin_arm64 platforms