Morning, I am running Openwebrx + and getting a lot of SoapySDR::Device::readStream timeout! and failing to start. I can see my device using
radio@openwebrxplus:~ $ SoapySDRUtil --probe="driver=sdrplay"
Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library
Probe device driver=sdrplay
[INFO] devIdx: 0
[INFO] SerNo: B0001P0001
[INFO] hwVer: 1
[INFO] rspDuoMode: 0
[INFO] tuner: 1
[INFO] rspDuoSampleFreq: 0.000000
-- Device identification
-- Peripheral summary
Channels: 1 Rx, 0 Tx
Timestamps: NO
Other Settings:
* RF Gain Select - RF Gain Select
[key=rfgain_sel, default=1, type=string, options=(0, 1, 2, 3)]
* IQ Correction - IQ Correction Control
[key=iqcorr_ctrl, default=true, type=bool]
* AGC Setpoint - AGC Setpoint (dBfs)
[key=agc_setpoint, default=-30, type=int, range=[-60, 0]]
-- RX Channel 0
Full-duplex: YES
Supports AGC: YES
Stream formats: CS16, CF32
Native format: CS16 [full-scale=32767]
Antennas: RX
Corrections: DC removal
Full gain range: [20, 59] dB
IFGR gain range: [20, 59] dB
RFGR gain range: [0, 3] dB
Full freq range: [0.01, 2000] MHz
RF freq range: [0.01, 2000] MHz
CORR freq range: MHz
Sample rates: 0.0625, 0.096, 0.125, 0.192, 0.25, ..., 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 MSps
Filter bandwidths: 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.536, 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz
But fails to start in browser. Any suggestions how to fix please. Cheers Kev