What configuration is required for vim-lsp
to have item completion including insertion of possible arguments as snippet placeholders?
For example, I have registered pylsp
server for Python buffers with vim-lsp.
When I try to complete re.sea
symbol with omnifunc, single match is offered, string, flags) function
however after i confirm this completion, only the name without arguments is inserted
Is there an option how to insert possible arguments as well? Similar like vim-go plugin which uses UltiSnips for this goal? To have inserted following instead, with arguments as UltiSnips placeholders:<pattern>, <string>, <flags>)
I have all ultisnips, vim-lsp-snippets and vim-lsp-ultisnips installed.
Underlying pylsp
server has enabled completion with parameters (pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_params is true).
Any clue?