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Lazy load vim lsp
When you’re just wanting to make a quick adjustment to a file with Vim you may not appreciate an LSP server spinning up in the background delaying your edit.
Using Vim’s built-in packages
system we can demonstrate how
it is possible to achieve a lazy-loaded setup. You could then adapt this
to your package manager of choice.
To keep things simple, let us assume a blank Vim configuration. First, we
set vim-lsp
to be optionally started. With Vim’s native package system,
we do this by placing them in pack/<namespace>/opt
within your .vim
directory. Namespace can be anything; Vim doesn’t care what what it is.
Let’s call ours “manual” as we are managing it manually.
cd /tmp
curl -L https://github.com/prabirshrestha/async.vim/archive/master.tar.gz \
-o async.vim-master.tar.gz
curl -L https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp/archive/master.tar.gz \
-o vim-lsp-master.tar.gz
cd ~
mkdir -p .vim/pack/manual/opt
cd .vim/pack/manual/opt
tar xzvf /tmp/async.vim-master.tar.gz
tar xzvf /tmp/vim-lsp-master.tar.gz
mv async.vim-master async.vim
mv vim-lsp-master vim-lsp
(Well, that was quite laboursome! You can see why package managers still exist.)
Next, let’s edit ~/.vim/vimrc
" Roughly, equivalent to Tim Pope's sensible but included with Vim
runtime! defaults.vim
augroup lsp_setup
if executable('typescript-language-server')
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'typescript-language-server',
\ 'cmd': {server_info->[
\ &shell,
\ &shellcmdflag,
\ 'typescript-language-server --stdio',
\ ]},
\ 'root_uri':{server_info->lsp#utils#path_to_uri(
\ lsp#utils#find_nearest_parent_file_directory(
\ lsp#utils#get_buffer_path(),
\ ['tsconfig.json', 'package.json']
\ )
\ )},
\ 'whitelist': [
\ 'javascript',
\ 'typescript',
\ 'typescriptreact'
\ ],
\ })
augroup END
" Lazy-load more advanced features
command! IDE
\ packadd async.vim
\ | packadd vim-lsp
\ | source $MYVIMRC
\ | call lsp#enable()
And that is it! When using Vim just type :IDE
to load vim-lsp
Of course, you may wish to add to the list of packages that are loaded in
your version of “IDE” mode. Pay special attention to the source $MYVIMRC
line; if your Vim configuration can be reloaded without side-effects you
can change things on the fly. Automatic commands combined with groups
can help a lot with this.
As an example, this is how you might like to handle folds:
" Regardless of whether they are enabled, always expand folds when loading
" a file. If we run :IDE after enabling, our fold's expanded state is then
" maintained.
set foldlevelstart=99
if get(g:, '__ide_mode_enabled', 0)
set foldenable foldcolumn=4
set nofoldenable
command! IDE
\ | packadd async.vim
\ | packadd vim-lsp
\ | let g:__ide_mode_enabled = 1
\ | source $MYVIMRC
\ | call lsp#enable()
After setting up minpac, you can achieve the same setup through just
putting this in your .vimrc
runtime defaults.vim
augroup lsp_setup
if executable('typescript-language-server')
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'typescript-language-server',
\ 'cmd': {server_info->[
\ &shell,
\ &shellcmdflag,
\ 'typescript-language-server --stdio',
\ ]},
\ 'root_uri':{server_info->lsp#utils#path_to_uri(
\ lsp#utils#find_nearest_parent_file_directory(
\ lsp#utils#get_buffer_path(),
\ ['tsconfig.json', 'package.json']
\ )
\ )},
\ 'whitelist': [
\ 'javascript',
\ 'typescript',
\ 'typescriptreact'
\ ],
\ })
augroup END
if exists('*minpac#init')
call minpac#init()
call minpac#add('k-takata/minpac', {'type': 'opt'})
call minpac#add('prabirshrestha/async.vim', {'type': 'opt'})
call minpac#add('prabirshrestha/vim-lsp', {'type': 'opt'})
command! PackUpdate packadd minpac | source $MYVIMRC |
\ call minpac#update('', {'do': 'call minpac#status()'})
command! PackClean packadd minpac | source $MYVIMRC | call minpac#clean()
command! PackStatus packadd minpac | source $MYVIMRC | call minpac#status()
" Lazy-load more advanced features
command! IDE
\ packadd async.vim
\ | packadd vim-lsp
\ | source $MYVIMRC
\ | call lsp#enable()
And then run :PackUpdate
followed by :IDE