I'm trying to move our firestore data to a different region and for this I created a new project.
I'm planning to use the old project to authenticate the users, then with custom claim authenticate them in the new project. We use firestore for profile. the authentication part works. I can also store data in the new project, but react-redux-firebase has difficulties populating with the correct firestore user profile.
I'm creating my store like this:
const enhancer = composeEnhancers(
reactReduxFirebase(firebase, reduxFirebaseConfig),
const store = createStore(persistedReducer, initialState, enhancer)
if I use firestoreConnect - it appears to read the data from the new project. But the updateProfileInfoOnLogin uses the user's config from the old project.
@prescottprue - I understand that this is rather tricky. reactReduxFirebase doesn't know anything about the reduxFirestore config, so I guess that this is the reason it assumes it should use the firebaseconf instead of the redux conf passed to reduxFirestore. What do you think?