Releases: primer/figma
Releases · primer/figma
- Dialog: Added
to large title
🐛 Fixes
- DataTable: second action icon can now be overwritten
Primer/web v1.3.0
🎉 Added
css utility class names
- introduced custom
to some variables in figma that include the primer css utility class name
inactive buttons & actionList
- new inactive tokens (internal)
- new inactive button variant

- new inactive actionList items

unavailable status
- new unavailable status label

🎉 Added
Added SplitButton
(prev. part of ButtonGroup)
This is a Figma only component at the moment. It can be achieved with code by using the buttonGroup
component. Follow github/primer#2760 for more details on potential code components.
Added DataTable
Thanks to @mperrotti for this fantastic contribution. 🙏
🐛 Fixes
Fix counterLabel size so that small buttons don't break

🎉 Added
- Added an ActionList item that can be used to quickly get started with an ActionList
- This is based on feedback by @tbenning from this discussion
♻️ Updated
- Bugfix for ActionList colors with new v8 tokens
- Updated primer/primitives to v7.14.1
- Fix for
in dark and light mode - Update Font styles to use "SF Pro Text"
🗑️ Removed
- FilterList [deprecated]
- RepositoryHeader [deprecated]
- Dropdown [deprecated]