A curated library of Sysex files #456
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So, I've attached the repaired collection from your previous post. I'll continue my work on MDX_Tool after the school vacancy (after 11. April). |
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Here's the first revision of the library A few notes:
This is a first release so there might be patches which still don't work correctly and unfortunately we won't know until someone goes through all of them (which is kind of insane since the collection is made currently of 2249 banks). There will probably be another revision once Boban finishes his work on his MDX_Tool which will probably clean up the rest of the broken patches (if there are any which are still broken in there). Final note: I don't think I'll add any other banks in the future because there are plenty and I'm sure that there's going to be a lot of redundancy in the voices already, so there's really not much point in adding more. Let me know if you also want the "instrument" library, if there's enough interest I might do it at some point. |
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01063_cdDX7SK95.syx - an intruder. It is a file from SysEx Manager (not a plain SysEx), and it contains just TX7 function data. Not relevant for a DX7 or for MiniDexed. |
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Have you seen the https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5996126#p5996126 ? It's a deduplicated and fixed set of sysex files. |
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New v1.1 revision out. I've done some more cleaning, found some more duplicates and managed to "fuse" some banks which had lots of empty/repeated voices. |
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For what it's worth, it took something like ~3.5 mins to load this entire collection from SD card for me - which is pretty much the same time it took to copy the whole lot to the SD card from the PC in the first place. I'm not sure how manageable this is mind - it took me getting on for a whole minute of turning the rotary encoder to scroll through them all and that was with no time to read any of the names! :) Kevin |
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Ok, @donluca how does 14 seconds sound for your 2238 files? I've split them into directories of 100 and it seems a lot faster with this branch: https://github.com/diyelectromusic/MiniDexed/tree/SysExSubDirs I /think/ it has loaded them all!? They all appear in the menus and it seems to be able to find the patch names... obvs I've not tested them all ;) Kevin |
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Now submitted: #473 |
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A side quest - MDX_Tool updated - now, it can rescue some voices from incomplete dumps, and it will extract DX7 VMEM from TX7 and DX7II dumps. |
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By the way, anyone else find it annoying that the bank numbers shown on the menus is the bank number from the filename +1? This makes sense for things like MIDI program numbers, but if a user has put a number in the filename, I think the menu should show the same number rather than try to avoid having "bank 0"? Thoughts? |
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Thanks to the latest version of Boban's MDX_Tool I've managed to discover some more duplicates and do a further cleanup. I think that this is the definitive version, at least for me, as I don't plan on adding/removing anything else. There are 2240 banks, obviously I couldn't check every single of them, so please let me know if there's something broken/not working and I'll remove it! Also bear in mind that from this version onwards, you'll need to have subfolders support ( #473 ) as this not only allows to have a much more manageable and readable collection, but will also massively improve loading times (from almost 5 minutes down to 14 seconds or 9 seconds if you use the headerless version). I'll need to make a PR in order to enable direct headerless loading, so stay tuned! Normal library v1.2: Headerless library v1.2: |
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Now, with that many nice voices, I desperately am looking for an easy way to switch Unison mode on. So that I don't have to change the voice on multiple TGs just for detuning and stereo shifting :) |
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Speaking of the Sound Library, the best DX7 patches I know of are on my PLG150-DX PlugIn Board for my Yamaha Motif ES. There are around 900 DX7 patches, some of which are of very high quality. Some classics from the old DX7 series are represented, but also completely "new" (anno 2003) patches. |
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It was boring yesterday... so... https://github.com/BobanSpasic/MDX_BankManager |
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Sysex Library v2.0 Thanks to all of the involved, we've managed to hopefully have a fully working library with 1023 banks made of unique voices, all working. There are several versions: sysexFinal.zip sysexFinalHeaderless.zip MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip Again, huge thanks to all of the involved, especially Boban and Banana71. |
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Sysex Library v2.1 sysexFinal.zip sysexFinalHeaderless.zip MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip |
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Sysex Library v3.0
sysexFinal.zip: This is the plain, normal library, meant for Dexed. sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Same as above, but this time the files are headerless. MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip: Headered version for Minidexed. MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Headerless version for MiniDexed. |
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I've published the tools I've made to make this library: https://github.com/donluca/DX7_Sysex_Tools They are bad and no one should ever use them, but since I've put quite a lot of time into them, I decided to share them. |
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Sysex Library v4.0 Thanks to @BobanSpasic for bringing up my attention to newer and more complete packs, we have a new version. sysexFinal.zip: This is the plain, normal library, meant for Dexed. sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Same as above, but this time the files are headerless. MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip: Headered version for Minidexed. MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Headerless version for MiniDexed. |
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MDX_Tool update. MDX_Collect added. Please also check the Wiki: https://github.com/BobanSpasic/MDX_Tool/wiki |
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What's the procedure for copying those into the /sysex/voice directory? In MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip I see folders inside folders, each containing a few .syx files. Do we have to take the files out of each sub folder and put them into /sysex/voice without having folders inside it, or can we just copy the whole lot in there as it is, still inside sub folders? Is the idea to put all of it in, or is that too much for MiniDexed to cope with? |
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@donluca "MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip: Headered version for Minidexed." seems to have worked - it now says 1302 banks loaded. |
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Thanks, @donluca |
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This set might be useful if someone can get them to work. |
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Is the first page edited with the last version of the archive ? Thanks a lot for this ! |
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Hi there ! I am looking for Drumkit performances. I saw the 4 ones in the default folder, and also n°20 and n°60 in the Greenhouse bank. Are there others ? Many thanks ! |
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After the last update, Greenhouse Bank 002:115 includes Soul-Kit, a drum kit with stereo hi-hats and toms. Performance Changelog To all sound designers: It would be really great if you would make your performances available here. |
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Maybe a bit silly, but can somebody explain to me how I can use the sysex-files? I know I have to make a separate folder called sysex/voice/ and put the files in it, but how can I use them in Minidexed? |
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EDIT for better visibility:
Sysex Library v4.0
Thanks to @BobanSpasic for bringing up my attention to newer and more complete packs, we have a new version.
This one is expanded mainly with voices from the "Bridge Music Recording Studio" and some extra voice found here and there.
sysexFinal.zip: This is the plain, normal library, meant for Dexed.
sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Same as above, but this time the files are headerless.
MiniDexed-sysexFinal.zip: Headered version for Minidexed.
MiniDexed-sysexFinalHeaderless.zip: Headerless version for MiniDexed.
Original post
I'm currently working on a "curated" library of Sysex files for people with Minidexed to enjoy.
I've started from this library where I've found a lots of duplicate files/banks and sysex files which don't work at all.
Right now I've done a major cleanup and I still need to fix some of the banks, but I'm at a good point and I just need to figure out how to merge sysex files which have just a single voice in them and I'm waiting for BobanSpasic to finish his work on his MDX_Tool to fix the remaining files.
Meanwhile I've added banks from other FM Synths thanks to the fantastic work of 4OPtoDX7 which added converted banks from 4-OP and 2-OP Yamaha synths for the DX7.
Those patches won't sound obviously 100% faithful to the originals, but they'll still produce sounds which, well, it's kind of the whole point of a synthesizer.
I've also found lots of other new packs from dxsysex which weren't part of the collection I've started working with, so in the future I'll probably add those as well.
Right now there are ~2300 unique sysex banks in this Library and they have all been named in a way that they are ordered by pack (ex: all the original DX7 patches have their file names start with "DX7-" so they are grouped near each other).
As soon as Boban finishes his work on MDX_Tool I'll fix the remaining patches and publish a first revision of the collection.
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