The Code of Conduct is currently only available in English.
This was first reported in the core library repository: processing/p5.js#7534
You can see that there is the English code-of-conduct.mdx here:
But this file is missing in each of the other supported language trees:
- (translation complete)
- - translation in progress by @Darrenhqf
Please comment below if you'd like to work on one of these translations. To avoid duplicating work, please wait until a maintainer tags you and confirms you can work on it. Then, you can make a PR referencing this issue. To ensure translation quality, reviewers for these PRs would also be great to have so even if a language you're interested in working on is already in progress by someone else, please comment here anyway and a maintainer will tag you when those PRs are ready for review!
Don't hesitate to comment even if you're not sure where to start 🌻