Most appropriate sub-area of p5.js?
- Accessibility
- Color
- Core/Environment/Rendering
- Data
- Events
- Image
- IO
- Math
- Typography
- Utilities
- WebGL
- Build process
- Unit testing
- Internationalization
- Friendly errors
- Other (specify if possible)
p5.js version
Web browser and version
Firefox 133.0.3
Operating system
Windows 11
Steps to reproduce this
- Decimal numbers in midiToFreq() return microtonal values, because they're not rounded first.
- This is actually a pretty cool feature, and allows some creative possibilites (microtonal music!), but it might be unexpected for some because the reference implies the value should be an integer MIDI note number:
General MIDI treats notes as integers where middle C is 60, C# is 61, D is 62 etc. Useful for generating musical frequencies with oscillators.
Rather than 'fix' this, adding a note to the reference description along the lines of 'Decimal values return microtonal frequencies.' Might clarify that those values won't be rounded to equal temperament tuning, but keep a pretty cool, if unexpected, feature?
console.log(midiToFreq(60)); // returns 261.6255653005986 (Hz) = C4
console.log(midiToFreq(60.5)); // returns 269.2917795270241 = C4 quarter-sharp!
console.log(midiToFreq(61)); // returns 277.1826309768721 = C#4
I'd be happy to add this note to the reference if it's accepted.