Created by: Santarii
Expected Behavior
If I use the scale function and then use the textSize function to reverse that scaling, I expect to get the same result as just rendering the text without any scaling.
Current Behavior
In the default renderer the text is lower than it should be when scaled up then sized back down. In P2D the space between characters also changes.
Steps to Reproduce
float scale = 1;
void setup() {
size(1920, 1080, P2D);
textFont(createFont("Consolas", 256));
void draw() {
scale += 1;
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
text("Wow", 0, 0);
This code renders text, and each frame increases the scale, but the scale is exactly reversed with the textSize function. If the bug didn't exist, this would look like stationary unchanging text, however this is not the case.
Your Environment
- Processing version: 4.0b6
- Operating System and OS version: Windows 10 Home 64-bit. 10.0.19043 Build 19043.
Possible Causes / Solutions
It seems to not just be small values in textSize, even reasonable values mess with the alignment a bit, though very small values have a more significant effect.