Created by: prisonerjohn
Processing 4 Contribution Manager appears to include # comments
in the property values, which causes number parsing for version
value to fail.
It looks like maybe this was already reported in #553 but it was closed for inactivity.
Expected Behavior
If the properties file includes a line like:
version = 12 # This must be parsable as an int
The parser should ignore the #
and everything after it when retrieving the value.
Processing 3.5.4 appears to do this correctly.
Current Behavior
Processing 4.0.1 includes comments in the library prettyVersion
and complains about "The version number for “XXX” is not a number."
Steps to Reproduce
- Open the Processing Contribution Manager
- Try to download the library
Your Environment
- Processing version: 4.0.1
- Operating System and OS version: Windows 11
- Other information: