Created by: SableRaf
It would be great if each mode had its own unique theme, chosen from the list of themes available. This could be a user-defined setting in the theme selector, where they can apply the theme to the current mode they're using. This way, users could easily distinguish between modes at a glance. Alternatively, we could allow mode creators to include a custom theme in their mode.
Expected Behavior
A way to make the modes stand out even more, by allowing each mode to have its own theme from the available options.
Current Behavior
Currently, modes do not have the ability to have their own distinct theme.
Steps to Reproduce
- Open the PDE
- Switch to another Mode
- Observe that all modes use the same theme
Your Environment
- Processing version: 4.1.2
- Operating System and OS version: Windows 10
Possible Causes / Solutions
- The current theme system does not have the capability for modes to have their own distinct theme, a feature enhancement to include this functionality would be needed.