Hi, in my set-up (Google Kubernetes Engine), as the CustomResourceSubresources feature gate is not enabled, I get the following error while running the cnat-client-go/controller.go:
E1012 22:10:45.503547 52194 controller.go:193] error syncing 'default/example-at': the server could not find the requested resource (put example-at), requeuing
This could be resolved by replacing UpdateStatus(instance)
with Update(instance)
on L295
_, err = c.cnatClientset.CnatV1alpha1().Ats(instance.Namespace).UpdateStatus(instance)
as described in the sample-controller:
// If the CustomResourceSubresources feature gate is not enabled,
// we must use Update instead of UpdateStatus to update the Status block of the Foo resource.
// UpdateStatus will not allow changes to the Spec of the resource,
// which is ideal for ensuring nothing other than resource status has been updated.
_, err := c.sampleclientset.SamplecontrollerV1alpha1().Foos(foo.Namespace).Update(fooCopy)
Does it make sense to add some logic to cnat-client-go/controller.go so that it can handle both set-ups (the CustomResourceSubresources feature gate is enabled / disabled)?