The goal of this step is to define a Kubernetes Ingress that will make OpenWhisk available outside of your Kubernetes cluster. In the commands given in the Configuration Steps, replace API_HOST with the actual value for your Ingress as determined by the detailed instructions in the appropriate subsection of Possible Ingress Types.
Create an Ingress, thus determining a value you should use for API_HOST. If you are deploying on minikube, follow the instructions for the NodePort ingress. Unfortunately, the exact details of configuring an Ingress vary across cloud providers. The detailed instructions below describe multiple possible Ingress configurations. We welcome contributions from the community to describe how to configure Ingress for additional cloud providers.
Record the value of API_HOST and APIGW_URL in a Kubernetes configmap for later use within the OpenWhisk deployment. Note that API_HOST is expected to be either a host or host:port pair, but APIGW_URL is expected to be a URL, including protocol (http or https depending on your ingress):
kubectl -n openwhisk create configmap whisk.ingress --from-literal=api_host=API_HOST --from-literal=apigw_url=APIGW_URL
- Configure the OpenWhisk CLI, wsk, by setting the auth and apihost properties (if you don't already have the wsk cli, follow the instructions here to get it).
wsk property set --auth `cat ../cluster-setup/auth.guest` --apihost API_HOST
When it was deployed, the apigateway and nginx services were configured to expose themselves via a NodePort see By determining the IP address of a worker node and the exposed port numbers, you can determine your API_HOST and APIGW_URL. There are no additional files to apply. TLS termination is handled by the nginx service.
- Obtain the IP address of the Kubernetes nodes. If you are using minikube, use the command
minikube ip
otherwise use
kubectl get nodes
- Obtain the public port for https port of the openwhisk.nginx Service
kubectl -n openwhisk describe service nginx | grep https-api | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1
- Obtain the public port for https port of the openwhisk.apigateway Service
kubectl -n openwhisk describe service apigateway | grep mgmt | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1
A basic ingress that simply connects through to the nginx service. With this ingress, TLS termination will be handled by the OpenWhisk nginx service.
kubectl apply -f ingress-simple.yml
Use kubectl get ingress
to determine the IP address and port to use
to define API_HOST for a simple service ingress.
The only available ingress method for a Lite cluster is to use a NodePort (see above). By determining the IP address of a worker node and the exposed port number, you can determine your API_HOST. There are no additional files to apply. TLS termination is handled by the nginx service.
- Obtain the Public IP address of the sole worker node.
bx cs workers <my-cluster>
- Obtain the public port for https port of the openwhisk.nginx Service
kubectl -n openwhisk describe service nginx | grep https-api | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1
Use PublicIP:PORT as your API_HOST
- Obtain the public port for https port of the openwhisk.apigateway Service
kubectl -n openwhisk describe service apigateway | grep mgmt | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1
A template file ingress-ibm.yml is provided. You will need to edit this file to replace and with the correct values for your cluster. Note that appears twice in the template file.
To determine this values, run the command
bx cs cluster-get <mycluster>
The CLI output will look something like
bx cs cluster-get <mycluster>
Retrieving cluster <mycluster>...
Name: <mycluster>
ID: b9c6b00dc0aa487f97123440b4895f2d
Created: 2017-04-26T19:47:08+0000
State: normal
Master URL:
Ingress subdomain: <ibmdomain>
Ingress secret: <ibmtlssecret>
Workers: 3
You can see the IBM-provided domain in the Ingress subdomain and the IBM-provided certificate in the Ingress secret field.
After editing the template file, deploy it.
kubectl apply -f ingress-ibm.yml
Your API_HOST will be /openwhisk Your APIGW_URL will be https:///apigateway
Please submit Pull Requests with instructions for other cloud providers.