Hi, I have tried to install pushproxy to my k8s cluster wiht helm chart but I received couple of errors:
Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [resource mapping not found for name: "pushprox-etcd-client" namespace: "prom-proxy" from "": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first, resource mapping not found for name: "pushprox-etcd-proxy" namespace: "prom-proxy" from "": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first, resource mapping not found for name: "prom-proxy-etcd" namespace: "prom-proxy" from "": no matches for kind "ServiceMonitor" in version "" ensure CRDs are installed first]
I was changing component in Values.yaml to kube-proxy, etcd and others but received below error.
Also I received CRDs errors.. Which CDRs I should install before isntalling helm chart?