I believe this module has the ability for users to write custom tasks to the psakebuild.ps1 file, and PowershellBuild will execute what it covers, while PSake executes the custom tasks.
This may be as simple as writing the custom tasks, and adding dependencies from the executing tasks (Build, Publish, Test, etc...)
Would it be worth showing in the ReadMe examples, to show that PowershellBuild helps standardize, but doesn't restrict you from customizing it?
I could help write some examples, if this would be helpful.
I am currently using Git, and wanted to add a "Git Tag" task when I publish a new version of a module. But was struggling at first on how to integrate this while using PowershellBuild. (I am still wrestling on whether tagging should be done at the tip of the commit that adds the feature, or when the artifact is created to be published.)