- Jaffke, P. Möller, P. Talou, and A.J. Sierk, "Hauser-Feshbach fission fragment de-excitation with calculated macroscopic-microscopic mass yields," arXiv:1712.05511, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (2018).
- M.J. Marcath, R.C. Haight, M. Devlin, P. Talou, I. Stetcu, R. Vogt, J. Randrup, P.F. Schuster, S.D. Clarke, and S.A. Pozzi, "Measured and simulated 252Cf(sf) prompt neutron-photon competition," accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (2018).
- Talou, R. Vogt, J. Randrup, M.E. Rising, S.A. Pozzi, J. Verbeke, M.T. Andrews, S.D. Clarke, P. Jaffke, M. Jandel, T. Kawano, M.J. Marcath, K. Meierbachtol, L. Nakae, G. Rusev, A. Sood, I. Stetcu, and C. Walker, "Correlated Prompt Fission Data in Transport Simulations," LA-UR-17-28181 (rev.2), arXiv:1710.00107v3, Eur. Phys. J. A 54, 9 (2018).
- Becker, P. Talou, T. Kawano, Y. Danon, and I. Stetcu, "Monte Carlo Hauser-Feshbach Predictions of Prompt Fission Gamma Rays - Application to nth+235U, nth+239Pu and 252Cf (sf)," Phys. Rev. C 87, 014617 (2013).
- Kawano, P. Talou, I. Stetcu and M. B. Chadwick, "Statistical and evaporation models for the neutron emission energy spectrum in the center-of-mass system from fission fragments," Nuclear Physics A913, 51 (2013).
- Kawano, P. Talou, M. B. Chadwick, and T. Watanabe, "Monte Carlo Simulation for Particle and Gamma-Ray Emissions in Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model", J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 47, No.5, 462 (2010).
- Talou, T. Kawano, I. Stetcu, J. P. Lestone, E. McKigney, and M. B. Chadwick, "Late Time Emission of Prompt Fission Gamma Rays," LA-UR-16-24045, arXiv:1607.00337, Phys. Rev. C 94, 064613 (2016).
- Stetcu, P. Talou, T. Kawano, and M. Jandel, "Properties of prompt-fission gamma rays," Phys. Rev. C 90, 024617 (2014).
- J.L. Ullmann, E.M. Bond, T.A. Bredeweg, A. Couture, R.C. Haight, M. Jandel, T. Kawano, H.Y. Lee, J.M. O'Donnell, A.C. Hayes, I. Stetcu, T.N. Taddeucci, P. Talou, D.J. Vieira, J.B. Wilhelmy, J.A. Becker, A. Chyzh, J. Gostic, R. Henderson, E. Kwan, and C.Y. Wu, "Prompt gamma-ray production in neutron-induced fission of 239Pu," Phys. Rev. C 87, 044607 (2013).
- I. Stetcu, P. Talou, T. Kawano, and M. Jandel, "Isomer Production Ratios and the Angular Momentum Distribution of Fission Fragments," Phys. Rev. C 88, 044603 (2013).
- Jandel, B. Baramsai, T.A. Bredeweg, A. Couture, A. Favalli, A.C. Hayes, K.D. Ianakiev, M.L. Iliev, T. Kawano, S. Mosby, G. Rusev, I. Stetcu, P. Talou, J.L. Ullmann, D.J. Vieira, C.L. Walker, and J.B. Wilhelmy, "Correlated fission data measurements with DANCE and NEUANCE," Nucl. Inst. Meth. in Phys. Research, A 882, 105 (2018).