Please describe the problem (or idea)
What happened just before the problem occurred? Or what problem could this idea solve?
What did you expect to see that you didn't?
Sometimes (esp after reloading the page a few times) we get just a spinner for this section:
The JS console shows we've gone over our API limit:
failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
I bet we have some data already cached and we're just hitting an error on trying to fetch new data. We could try logging out what contributors we /already/ have to test this out.
Let's try to fall back on the existing set of saved contributors if the new requests fail.
- The first step is probably to look for where the code is for the request
- and then to add an extra "on fail" handler!
- we could also show an error message that something like
You've hit GitHub's API rate limit for fetching new data. Old data shown instead; try again in 5-10 minutes!
Any help appreciated!!!