Hi everybody 😃 !
We all at Public Lab 🎈 - learn, grow, work, brainstorm ideas, contribute together so why not share about our weekly goals and the awesome work we have done at Public Lab with each other, so we can support and collaborate with each other better. We have a Community Check-In each week, where every community member can share something about their work from the past week and about their current week's goal 🎯 . You are also welcome to share fun-fact 😄 , new ideas 💡 , your learning goals ☑️ .
We believe in collaborative efforts to support our community. We are running a learning platform which helps a newcomer to become master of tomorrow. 💯
If you're new here, welcome, and please comment a Hello below, we would love to work with you. If you're looking for new issues, please try some of our first-timers-only issues.
We're SO EXCITED to have your help!
Is there anything, you would like to share with us from past week's work? What is your plan for this week?
If you have not planned yet, just leave a Hello! 👋 so that we know that you are in sync with us 🔃 and doing well!
The coming weeks will be full of code 💻 , tasks 🗒️, fun 🎉 and excitement 😃!!
As always, if you're waiting for a review, or if you're stuck, please request help here OR leave a comment with @publiclab/mentors @publiclab/reviewers for some input. 🙌
Gitter is an active chatroom in our community and we'll be sending weekly reminders about check-ins there. Be sure to sign up there for these updates or just to join the conversation. You can also join us through 💬.
This Week's Theme - Something that you learnt by contributing to public labs !
This weeks theme is to share something that you learnt by contributing to the public labs community. It does not have to be technical(it can be). You could have learnt how to interact with people or how to politely point out mistakes while being kind(reviewing PRs). You could have learnt a new technology or skill. Maybe you gained communication and networking skills ! 🎉
Come on, list out your biggest takeaway from the amazing community of public labs ❤️
Keep contributing and keep challenging yourself :D
Welcome new contributors!
I would encourage new contributors to try different kinds of FTOs and help-wanted issues. Since open source is all about community and helping others, let's find some issues which might be good for someone else who is contributing or just beginning and help them solve it. Let’s expand our community as much as we can! 🎉
You can find our list of previous check-ins here
Note to Summer of Code interns:
Hi, we request all the SoC students to include the below-mentioned points in their check-in comment:
- FTOs created in the previous week
- Progress for your project
- Upcoming week's goals
- PR reviewed by you in the previous week
- Work completed last week.
- What things you did collaboratively last week? This is really important we want team spirit.
It is like a weekly scrum. Be flexible. - Feel free to tell us about your absence too, if you're taking a break.
- Issue/PR you're struggling with (if any)
With FTOs and PR reviews, we are seeking to develop a much more friendly and collaborative platform. We want you all will involve people in your project. You all will develop skills like leadership along the way.
Thank you!