i just found some functions that might be worth being added. But i don't really know where to add them and don't have the time to prepare a PR. So here we go:
mapIndex :: forall i j s t a b.
(i -> j) -> IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> IndexedTraversal j s t a b
mapIndex fi tr = iwander \f -> itraverseOf tr (f <<< fi)
icompose :: forall i j k s' t' s t a b.
(i -> j -> k) ->
IndexedTraversal i s' t' s t ->
IndexedTraversal j s t a b ->
IndexedTraversal k s' t' a b
icompose ijk trO trI = iwander \f -> itraverseOf trO \i -> itraverseOf trI \j -> f (ijk i j)
icompose is inspired by
this way it's possible to combine IndexedTraversals:
test :: Array (Array Int)
test = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
nested :: forall t1 t2 a b. (Traversable t1, Traversable t2) => IndexedTraversal (Tuple Int Int) (t1 (t2 a)) (t1 (t2 b)) a b
nested = icompose Tuple (positions traversed) (positions traversed)
comTest :: List (Tuple (Tuple Int Int) Int)
comTest = itoListOf nested test
-- comTest = ((Tuple (Tuple 0 0) 1) : (Tuple (Tuple 0 1) 2) : (Tuple (Tuple 0 2) 3) : (Tuple (Tuple 1 0) 4) : (Tuple (Tuple 1 1) 5) : (Tuple (Tuple 1 2) 6) : Nil)
-- or prettied up: [((0,0),1), ((0,1),2), ((0,2),3), ((1,0),4), ((1,1),5), ((1,2),6)]
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