Hey all, Josh Peterson has a method for calculating nighttime offsets in irradiance data and using these offsets to correct irradiance data. He has published on it here: This code is adapted from the following publication:
He requested adding this functionality to the package. I went ahead and adapted the code he sent over, which is as follows (it's still rough and needs work):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta
def _filter_nighttime_data(irradiance_series, sza_series,
Filter irradiance data to nighttime periods only.
# Find the times when the sun is above the SZA limit, representing
# daytime minutes
mask = (sza_night_limit > sza_series)
# Set daytime values to np.nan
irradiance_series[mask] = np.nan
# Find the times when the data is below the lower data limit
# or above the upper data limit and filter these periods out
mask = ((irradiance_series < lower_limit) |
(irradiance_series > upper_limit))
# Set outlier periods to np.nan
irradiance_series[mask] = np.nan
return irradiance_series
def _groupby_nighttime_data(irradiance_series):
Group the irradiance nighttime data by day.
# Group the data together by date
irradiance_dates = pd.Series(,
# Include midnight values as the previous date, not the current date.
# This is at Josh's request!
irradiance_dates.loc[(irradiance_dates.index.minute == 0) &
(irradiance_dates.index.hour == 0)] = \
irradiance_dates - timedelta(days=1)
return irradiance_dates
def calculate_nighttime_offset_uncertainty(irradiance_series, sza_series,
Computes the standard deviation of nighttime data, to act as the
uncertainty for each night period. Meant to act in unison with the
calculate_nighttime_offset() function.
For best results, filter out outliers before running this function.
irradiance_series : Pandas Series
Pandas Series of irradiance data with datetime index
sza_series : Pandas series
Pandas series of zenith angles with datetime index.
Used to determine when nighttime periods occur
lower_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection lower limit. The default is -10.
upper_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection upper limit. The default is 10.
sza_night_limit : float, optional
Solar zenith angle boundary limit. The default
is 108.
offset_type: String.
Can be 'median' or 'mean'. If median is selected, then the median
of nighttime values is computed as the offset. Likewise, if mean
is selected, the mean of nighttime values is computed as the offset.
uncertainty_irradiance : Pandas series
Pandas datetime series of standard deviation of daily irradiance
nighttime values, to act as a proxy for uncertainty in the nighttime
offset calculations
# Filter to nighttime periods only
irradiance_series = _filter_nighttime_data(irradiance_series,
# Group the irradiance data by daily intervals, from [midnight, midnight)
# each day
irradiance_dates = _groupby_nighttime_data(irradiance_series)
# Calculate the standard deviation of the nightly data, which is equal to
# the uncertainty
uncertainty_irradiance = irradiance_series.groupby(
return uncertainty_irradiance
def calculate_nighttime_offset(irradiance_series, sza_series,
Determines the nighttime offset value of a data set (can be median or
mean). Computes the offset value for each night.
If a nighttime value can not be found for a particular date,
the median offset value for the entire data set is used.
For best results, filter out outliers before running this function.
irradiance_series : Pandas Series
Pandas Series of irradiance data with datetime index
sza_series : Pandas series
Pandas series of zenith angles with datetime index.
Used to determine when nighttime periods occur
lower_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection lower limit. The default is -10.
upper_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection upper limit. The default is 10.
sza_night_limit : float, optional
Solar zenith angle boundary limit. The default
is 108.
offset_type: String.
Can be 'median' or 'mean'. If median is selected, then the median
of nighttime values is computed as the offset. Likewise, if mean
is selected, the mean of nighttime values is computed as the offset.
offset_irradiance : Pandas series
Pandas datetime series of offset nighttime values for the data set
# Throw an error if the offset_type isn't 'median' or 'mean'
if (offset_type not in ['median', 'mean']):
raise ValueError(
"Please check offset_type variable. Must be 'mean' or 'median'."
# Filter to nighttime periods only
irradiance_series = _filter_nighttime_data(irradiance_series,
# Group the irradiance data by daily intervals, from [midnight, midnight)
# each day
irradiance_dates = _groupby_nighttime_data(irradiance_series)
offset_irradiance = irradiance_series.groupby(
# Fill any NaN periods, representing days with no adequate nighttime data,
# with the median value associated with the time series
offset_irradiance = offset_irradiance.fillna(offset_irradiance.median())
return offset_irradiance
def correct_offset(irradiance_series, sza_series,
irradiance_series : Pandas Series
Pandas Series of irradiance data with datetime index
sza_series : Pandas series
Pandas series of zenith angles with datetime index.
Used to determine when nighttime periods occur
lower_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection lower limit. The default is -10.
upper_limit : float, optional
Outlier detection upper limit. The default is 10.
sza_night_limit : float, optional
Solar zenith angle boundary limit. The default
is 108.
offset_type: String
Can be 'median' or 'mean'. If median is selected, then the median
of nighttime values is computed as the offset. Likewise, if mean
is selected, the mean of nighttime values is computed as the offset.
irradiance_series_offset_corrected : Pandas series
Pandas datetime series of irradiance data, corrected using the daily
nighttime offset values.
This method is adapted from the conference publication "Structure of a
comprehensive solar radiation dataset" by J. Peterson and F. Vignola,
in particular the methods for calculating nighttime offsets and subtracting
them from solar irradiance data. The sza_night_limit value of 108 is
directly taken from this publication.
.. [1] J. Peterson and F. Vignola. Structure of a comprehensive solar
radiation dataset, ASES National Solar Conference 2017,
Denver, Colorado, 9-12 October 2017.
# Get the nightttime medians for the irradiance time series
nighttime_offsets = calculate_nighttime_offset(irradiance_series,
# Subtract the nighttime offset from the time series
# TODO: Josh tell me if this logic is right
irradiance_series_offset_corrected = irradiance_series - nighttime_offsets
return irradiance_series_offset_corrected
# Load a sample data set
input_file = 'HEO_01_2019-02.csv'
# Load the csv file
df = pd.read_csv(input_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# Test the functions
irradiance_offset_corrected = correct_offset(
# calculate daily uncertainty in offset calculations
irradiance_offset_uncertainty = calculate_nighttime_offset_uncertainty(
irradiance_series=df['GHI_(PSP)'], sza_series=df['SZA'])
Essentially, the above set of functions calculates the daily nighttime offset for irradiance data (can be median or mean, settable), and subtracts the offset from the irradiance data to correct it.
How do we feel about adding it to the irradiance module? @PetersonUOregon let me know if I missed anything here; I did take a stab at the actual offset correction in the correct_offset() function.