Several months ago, we introduced five algorithms for computing the single-diode model (SDM) parameters using various optimization functions. Among these, we proposed a novel approach to improve the computation of SDM parameters by using polar coordinates.
Since we have already implemented these functions in Python, it might benefit the community to make them accessible through a platform like PVlib. This would allow for straightforward comparisons of different optimization methods when identifying SDM parameters from voltage/current vector pairs.
The general concept is outlined in the following link:
Our idea is to integrate this into pvlib/ivtools/ However, I noticed in Issue #2252 that there is a suggestion to restructure code lines, which might make this an opportune starting point.
Would you be interested in having these methods integrated into PVlib?
Could this initiative align with or complement the ideas proposed in Issue #2252 @kandersolar ?
@cwhanse, I have finally found the time to work on this request.