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Grouping first and last on numpy datetime data with missing groups fails on flox #10169




What happened?

I have a data array of datetime values and I want to get the first value for each group. If there are any missing groups, the operation fails as numpy can't promote datetime data to float.

This is new in xarray 2025.3.

What did you expect to happen?

I expected to receive the first value for each group and NaT for missing groups.

Minimal Complete Verifiable Example

import xarray as xr

# A datetime array
time = xr.DataArray(xr.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=400, freq='D'), dims=('time',))
# Remove december, so there is a missing group
time = time.sel(time=time.dt.month != 12)


MVCE confirmation

  • Minimal example — the example is as focused as reasonably possible to demonstrate the underlying issue in xarray.
  • Complete example — the example is self-contained, including all data and the text of any traceback.
  • Verifiable example — the example copy & pastes into an IPython prompt or Binder notebook, returning the result.
  • New issue — a search of GitHub Issues suggests this is not a duplicate.
  • Recent environment — the issue occurs with the latest version of xarray and its dependencies.

Relevant log output

DTypePromotionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[41], line 1
----> 1 time.resample(time='MS').first()

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/core/, in GroupBy.first(self, skipna, keep_attrs)
   1401 def first(
   1402     self, skipna: bool | None = None, keep_attrs: bool | None = None
   1403 ) -> T_Xarray:
   1404     """
   1405     Return the first element of each group along the group dimension
   (...)   1418 
   1419     """
-> 1420     return self._first_or_last("first", skipna, keep_attrs)

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/core/, in Resample._first_or_last(self, op, skipna, keep_attrs)
    109 def _first_or_last(
    110     self, op: Literal["first", "last"], skipna: bool | None, keep_attrs: bool | None
    111 ) -> T_Xarray:
    112     from xarray.core.dataset import Dataset
--> 114     result = super()._first_or_last(op=op, skipna=skipna, keep_attrs=keep_attrs)
    115     if isinstance(result, Dataset):
    116         # Can't do this in the base class because group_dim is RESAMPLE_DIM
    117         # which is not present in the original object
    118         for var in result.data_vars:

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/core/, in GroupBy._first_or_last(self, op, skipna, keep_attrs)
   1383     keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=True)
   1384 if (
   1385     module_available("flox", minversion="0.10.0")
   1386     and OPTIONS["use_flox"]
   1387     and contains_only_chunked_or_numpy(self._obj)
   1388 ):
-> 1389     result = self._flox_reduce(
   1390         dim=None, func=op, skipna=skipna, keep_attrs=keep_attrs
   1391     )
   1392 else:
   1393     result = self.reduce(
   1394         getattr(duck_array_ops, op),
   1395         dim=[self._group_dim],
   1396         skipna=skipna,
   1397         keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
   1398     )

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/core/, in Resample._flox_reduce(self, dim, keep_attrs, **kwargs)
     52 def _flox_reduce(
     53     self,
     54     dim: Dims,
     55     keep_attrs: bool | None = None,
     56     **kwargs,
     57 ) -> T_Xarray:
     58     result: T_Xarray = (
---> 59         super()
     60         ._flox_reduce(dim=dim, keep_attrs=keep_attrs, **kwargs)
     61         .rename({RESAMPLE_DIM: self._group_dim})  # type: ignore[assignment]
     62     )
     63     return result

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/core/, in GroupBy._flox_reduce(self, dim, keep_attrs, **kwargs)
   1097 from IPython import embed
   1098 embed()
-> 1099 result = xarray_reduce(
   1100     obj.drop_vars(non_numeric.keys()),
   1101     *codes,
   1102     dim=parsed_dim,
   1103     expected_groups=expected_groups,
   1104     isbin=False,
   1105     keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
   1106     **kwargs,
   1107 )
   1109 # we did end up reducing over dimension(s) that are
   1110 # in the grouped variable
   1111 group_dims = set(

File ~/miniforge3/envs/xclim-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/flox/, in xarray_reduce(obj, func, expected_groups, isbin, sort, dim, fill_value, dtype, method, engine, keep_attrs, skipna, min_count, reindex, *by, **finalize_kwargs)
    407 output_sizes = group_sizes
    408 output_sizes.update({ dim.size for dim in newdims if dim.size != 0})
--> 410 actual = xr.apply_ufunc(
    411     wrapper,
    412     ds_broad.drop_vars(tuple(missing_dim)).transpose(..., *grouper_dims),
    413     *by_da,
    414     input_core_dims=input_core_dims,
    415     # for xarray's test_groupby_duplicate_coordinate_labels
    416     exclude_dims=set(dim_tuple),
    417     output_core_dims=[output_core_dims],
    418     dask="allowed",
    419     dask_gufunc_kwargs=dict(
    420         output_sizes=output_sizes,
    421         output_dtypes=[dtype] if dtype is not None else None,
    422     ),
    423     keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
    424     kwargs={
    425         "func": func,
    426         "axis": axis,
    427         "sort": sort,
    428         "fill_value": fill_value,
    429         "method": method,
    430         "min_count": min_count,
    431         "skipna": skipna,
    432         "engine": engine,
    433         "reindex": reindex,
    434         "expected_groups": tuple(expected_groups_valid_list),
    435         "isbin": isbins,
    436         "finalize_kwargs": finalize_kwargs,
    437         "dtype": dtype,
    438         "core_dims": input_core_dims,
    439     },
    440 )
    442 # restore non-dim coord variables without the core dimension
    443 # TODO: shouldn't apply_ufunc handle this?
    444 for var in set(ds_broad._coord_names) - set(ds_broad._indexes) - set(ds_broad.dims):

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/computation/, in apply_ufunc(func, input_core_dims, output_core_dims, exclude_dims, vectorize, join, dataset_join, dataset_fill_value, keep_attrs, kwargs, dask, output_dtypes, output_sizes, meta, dask_gufunc_kwargs, on_missing_core_dim, *args)
   1253 # feed datasets apply_variable_ufunc through apply_dataset_vfunc
   1254 elif any(is_dict_like(a) for a in args):
-> 1255     return apply_dataset_vfunc(
   1256         variables_vfunc,
   1257         *args,
   1258         signature=signature,
   1259         join=join,
   1260         exclude_dims=exclude_dims,
   1261         dataset_join=dataset_join,
   1262         fill_value=dataset_fill_value,
   1263         keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
   1264         on_missing_core_dim=on_missing_core_dim,
   1265     )
   1266 # feed DataArray apply_variable_ufunc through apply_dataarray_vfunc
   1267 elif any(isinstance(a, DataArray) for a in args):

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/computation/, in apply_dataset_vfunc(func, signature, join, dataset_join, fill_value, exclude_dims, keep_attrs, on_missing_core_dim, *args)
    521 list_of_coords, list_of_indexes = build_output_coords_and_indexes(
    522     args, signature, exclude_dims, combine_attrs=keep_attrs
    523 )
    524 args = tuple(getattr(arg, "data_vars", arg) for arg in args)
--> 526 result_vars = apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc(
    527     func,
    528     *args,
    529     signature=signature,
    530     join=dataset_join,
    531     fill_value=fill_value,
    532     on_missing_core_dim=on_missing_core_dim,
    533 )
    535 out: Dataset | tuple[Dataset, ...]
    536 if signature.num_outputs > 1:

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/computation/, in apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc(func, signature, join, fill_value, on_missing_core_dim, *args)
    448 core_dim_present = _check_core_dims(signature, variable_args, name)
    449 if core_dim_present is True:
--> 450     result_vars[name] = func(*variable_args)
    451 else:
    452     if on_missing_core_dim == "raise":

File ~/Projets/xarray/xarray/computation/, in apply_variable_ufunc(func, signature, exclude_dims, dask, output_dtypes, vectorize, keep_attrs, dask_gufunc_kwargs, *args)
    816     if vectorize:
    817         func = _vectorize(
    818             func, signature, output_dtypes=output_dtypes, exclude_dims=exclude_dims
    819         )
--> 821 result_data = func(*input_data)
    823 if signature.num_outputs == 1:
    824     result_data = (result_data,)

File ~/miniforge3/envs/xclim-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/flox/, in xarray_reduce.<locals>.wrapper(array, func, skipna, core_dims, *by, **kwargs)
    364     if "nan" not in func and func not in ["all", "any", "count"]:
    365         func = f"nan{func}"
--> 367 result, *groups = groupby_reduce(array, *by, func=func, **kwargs)
    369 # Transpose the new quantile dimension to the end. This is ugly.
    370 # but new core dimensions are expected at the end :/
    371 # but groupby_reduce inserts them at the beginning
    372 if func in ["quantile", "nanquantile"]:

File ~/miniforge3/envs/xclim-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/flox/, in groupby_reduce(array, func, expected_groups, sort, isbin, axis, fill_value, dtype, min_count, method, engine, reindex, finalize_kwargs, *by)
   2556     fill_value = np.nan
   2558 kwargs = dict(axis=axis_, fill_value=fill_value)
-> 2559 agg = _initialize_aggregation(func, dtype, array.dtype, fill_value, min_count_, finalize_kwargs)
   2561 # Need to set this early using `agg`
   2562 # It cannot be done in the core loop of chunk_reduce
   2563 # since we "prepare" the data for flox.
   2564 kwargs["engine"] = _choose_engine(by_, agg) if engine is None else engine

File ~/miniforge3/envs/xclim-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/flox/, in _initialize_aggregation(func, dtype, array_dtype, fill_value, min_count, finalize_kwargs)
    804 # np.dtype(None) == np.dtype("float64")!!!
    805 # so check for not None
    806 dtype_: np.dtype | None = (
    807     np.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None and not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype) else dtype
    808 )
--> 809 final_dtype = dtypes._normalize_dtype(
    810     dtype_ or agg.dtype_init["final"], array_dtype, agg.preserves_dtype, fill_value
    811 )
    812 agg.dtype = {
    813     "user": dtype,  # Save to automatically choose an engine
    814     "final": final_dtype,
   (...)    823     ),
    824 }
    826 # Replace sentinel fill values according to dtype

File ~/miniforge3/envs/xclim-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/flox/, in _normalize_dtype(dtype, array_dtype, preserves_dtype, fill_value)
    169     dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    170 if fill_value not in [None, INF, NINF, NA]:
--> 171     dtype = np.result_type(dtype, fill_value)
    172 return dtype

DTypePromotionError: The DType <class 'numpy.dtypes.DateTime64DType'> could not be promoted by <class 'numpy.dtypes._PyFloatDType'>. This means that no common DType exists for the given inputs. For example they cannot be stored in a single array unless the dtype is `object`. The full list of DTypes is: (<class 'numpy.dtypes.DateTime64DType'>, <class 'numpy.dtypes._PyFloatDType'>)

Anything else we need to know?

This is was introduced by #10148 I believe, but the reason is that the _flox_reduce method assumes np.nan as a fill value when groups are missing:

kwargs.setdefault("fill_value", np.nan)

It also fails for cftime data, but I think this is another issue internal to flox.

Deactivating flox fixes both issues ( xr.set_options(use_flox=False)).



commit: fd7c765
python: 3.13.2 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb 17 2025, 14:10:22) [GCC 13.3.0]
python-bits: 64
OS: Linux
OS-release: 6.12.12-200.fc41.x86_64
machine: x86_64
byteorder: little
LC_ALL: None
LOCALE: ('fr_CA', 'UTF-8')
libhdf5: 1.14.4
libnetcdf: 4.9.2

xarray: 2025.3.1.dev5+gfd7c7656.d20250324
pandas: 2.2.3
numpy: 2.1.3
scipy: 1.15.2
netCDF4: 1.7.2
pydap: None
h5netcdf: 1.6.1
h5py: 3.12.1
zarr: None
cftime: 1.6.4
nc_time_axis: 1.4.1
iris: None
bottleneck: 1.4.2
dask: 2025.3.0
distributed: 2025.3.0
matplotlib: 3.10.1
cartopy: None
seaborn: None
numbagg: None
fsspec: 2025.3.0
cupy: None
pint: 0.24.4
sparse: None
flox: 0.10.0
numpy_groupies: 0.11.2
setuptools: 75.8.2
pip: 25.0.1
conda: None
pytest: 8.3.5
mypy: 1.15.0
IPython: 9.0.2
sphinx: 8.1.




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