This is has maybe nothing to do with pip-migrate, but nevertheless want to report it.
It might help others.
Used pyenv en python version 3.7.4 and migrated python to 3.8.0.
Installed and used pip-migrate to get an easy way all my stuff from 3.7.4 into 3.8.0.
The migrate ended with an error and didn't migrate anything (what is nice).
The error was due to an installed package "scipy" in 3.7.4.
I removed that package from 3.7.4 and went back to 3.8.0.
Relaunched the migrate and now everything went till the finish without any error or remark.
Seems some packages cannot be migrated.
Due to what?
I installed via pip scipy, same version as in 3.7.4, in 3.8.0 and that ended in errors too.
So it's not pip-migrate that caused the issue but a thing in scipy.