PyLadies Global Meeting
- Date: 2024-08-06
- Previous meeting issue link: Monthly PyLadies Meeting Notes: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 10PM UTC #150
- Current meeting attendees: @BethanyG @trallard @econchick @MmeMarieLouise & Deb Nicholson
Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.
- PyLadies website requirements and next steps - @trallard
- moving forward with initial basic requirements to designer - literally just the design
- don't need to decide on static site generator right now
- features and chapter contacts to be addressed later
- Updates on PyLadies microgrants - @MmeMarieLouise
- let's catalog all the resources we have that chapters can access for free (e.g. 1Password, Meetup, Canva (?))
- via Deb: PyLadies Election?
- need help with establishing a governance model that fits the federation model of the PyLadies org
- maybe get help from Shauna Gordon-McKeon on how best to set ourselves up?
- solicit feedback from community on specific areas
- need help with establishing a governance model that fits the federation model of the PyLadies org
- PyLadiesCon 2024 approval - sent by Phyllis (email in our inbox)
- the organising team hopes to open the CPF on the 8th of August
- PyLadies GitHub sponsors - are we interested in setting up GH sponsors for PyLadies? there is an email from Phyllis
- Related to PyLadies microgrants, governance questions:
- Suggestions from Slack thread
- Chapters data management; Phyllis suggested we use CiviCRM (would need a separate instance to the PSF one)
- BigBlueButton complimentary; Zoom: is very expensive. We've talked about requesting complimentary use of BigBlueButton, but our internal discussions were after Loren had finalized the 2023-2024 sponsorship. We hope to resurface this question in the next sponsorship cycle to support PyLadies and the other PSF fiscal sponsorees with a better virtual meeting platform.)
- Survey of organizers: PyLadies would like to know what chapters need support. A survey would be a great idea if we had current contact information for all the organizers (goes back to Added future of us global organizing minutes from PyCon USA 2019 #2) -> this would overlap with the discussion around gathering chapters' feedback from @trallard
- Lynn's concerns
Other notes:
👋🏽 Phyllis is on PTO, but Deb Nicholson (PSF Executive Director) is joining us for this meeting.
Project Updates
Project Comms (Slack: #project-communication / Repo:
Project Admin & Logistics (Slack: #project-admin-logistics / Repo: )
Project Tech & Infra (Slack: #project-tech-infra / Repo: )
Review Actions Items from Last Meeting
Action Item | Owner | Relevant links | Completed |
New Business
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Old Business: Follow up items from prior meeting:
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Action Items and Assignees for Next Meeting
Action Item | Owner | Relevant links |