The choice of *xc* functional is assigned via the attribute :attr:`DFT.xc`. This is a comma separated string (precise grammar discussed :ref:`below <user_dft_custom_func>`, e.g., ``xc = 'pbe,pbe'`` denotes PBE exchange plus PBE correlation. In common usage, a single name (alias) is often used to refer to the combination of a particular exchange and correlation approximation instead. To support this, PySCF will first examine a lookup table to see if :attr:`DFT.xc` corresponds to a common compound name, and if so, the implementation dispatches to the appropriate exchange and correlation forms, e.g., ``xc = 'pbe'`` directly translates to ``xc = 'pbe,pbe'``. However, if the name is not found in the compound functional table, and only a single string is given, it will be treated as an exchange functional only, e.g., ``xc = 'b86'`` leads to B86 exchange only (without correlation). Please note that earlier PySCF versions (1.5.0 or earlier)
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