I want to have a testcase that is parametrized on both levels: Feature and scenario as in the example in the readme. However when I implemented it and run it, it returns the following error: ValueError: too many values to unpack
I did some investigation: It fails on keys, values = examples[0]["rows"].
examples[0]["rows"] returns [['start', 'eat', 'left'], [['12', '5', '7'], ['5', '4', '1']], ['fruits'], [['oranges'], ['apples']]].
I checked example_kwargs, which returns: {'eat': '5', 'fruits': 'oranges', 'start': '12', 'left': '7'}.
But I don't know if we can use this.
Can somebody confirm it, that scenario outline on both feature and scenario level don't work. I don't know if it worked before and so yes, which version of pytest-bdd should I use then.