- cattrs version: 23.2.3
- Python version: 3.10.12
- Operating System: Ubuntu-22.04
I'm using attrs 23.2.0, if that matters.
Hi! I am having trouble adding the special _type
key to the unstructured data to inform the structurer how to deal with subtypes. It seems to work for the top level structure, but not a second level structure that also has subtypes.
Any help would be appreciated :-)
What I Did
This is some example code:
from enum import Enum
from attrs import define, field
import cattr
from cattrs.strategies import configure_tagged_union, include_subclasses
from typing import ClassVar, List
class Material(Enum):
WOOD = "wood"
PLASTIC = "plastic"
class Toy:
material: ClassVar[Material]
name: str
class Lego(Toy):
material = Material.PLASTIC
class Train(Toy):
material = Material.WOOD
class ToyBox:
size: ClassVar[int]
material: Material
contents: List[Toy] = field(factory=list)
def add_toy(self, toy):
if len(self.contents) >= self.size:
raise ValueError("ToyBox is full")
class SmallToyBox(ToyBox):
size = 5
class LargeToyBox(ToyBox):
size = 10
c = cattr.Converter()
include_subclasses(ToyBox, c, union_strategy=configure_tagged_union)
include_subclasses(Toy, c, union_strategy=configure_tagged_union)
box = SmallToyBox(material=Material.WOOD)
unstructured = c.unstructure(box)
import pprint
And I get the following:
{'_type': 'SmallToyBox',
'contents': [{'name': 'space'},
{'name': 'house'},
{'name': 'stream'},
{'name': 'electric'}],
'material': 'wood'}
which, as you can see, is not including the _type
argument in the nested data structure Toy
that needs to deal with subtypes.
A possibly related issue is that I want to be able to string together multiple hooks together. Specifically I want to also include this:
hook = make_dict_unstructure_fn(Toy, c, _cattrs_omit_if_default=True)
in addition to supporting subclasses.
How can I do that?