There are preconfigured converters for the various serialization formats, but I have found need for a converter specific to what I will call "plain" Python.
PassThroughTypes: TypeAlias = str | bool | int | float | bytes | None
def python_make_converter(
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> PythonConverter:
# configure specific overrides for this converter
kwargs["unstruct_collection_overrides"] = {
# rich built-in types are maintained, rather than all dumped
# into lists
Sequence: tuple,
MutableSequence: list,
Set: frozenset,
MutableSet: set,
Counter: lambda c: Counter(**{k: v for k, v in c}),
converter = PythonConverter(*args, **kwargs)
# passthrough union types
configure_union_passthrough(PassThroughTypes, converter)
return converter
Just some context for what I am doing that warranted making this concrete versus the more plain cattrs.global_converter
. I am using the converter to generate "patches" that all happens within Python and the above to be very useful.
I would propose that a new preconfigured converter be made similar to the others. But I can understand it not being high priority, in which case this issue may help someone else :)
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