Today I was trying to do something that the documentation says is not supported:
does not support manual resource management
And then I've realized I was the one who wrote the above 🤣 I think I was wrong. We should provide some form of manual resource management. Here is a simple web app using quart-trio. It uses the same pattern that Flask recommends for database connections:
from quart_trio import QuartTrio
from quart import current_app, g
app = QuartTrio(__name__)
async def get_db():
if 'db' not in g:
g.db = await current_app.config.db_pool.acquire()
return g.db
async def teardown_db(exception):
db = g.pop('db', None)
if db is not None:
await db.release()
Handle can then use get_db()
. Each handler / task gets a separate database connection:
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
async def hello():
db = await get_db()
# ...
But, as I said, await pool.acquire()
is not supported in triopg
g.db = await current_app.config.db_pool.acquire()
TypeError: object TrioPoolAcquireContextProxy can't be used in 'await' expression
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